my intrests are swimming hanging out with friends watching t.v instant messaging being with my family
i really have no idea who i would like to meet oh well
pretty much all of it but my favorite songs are Lose Control by Missy Elliot featuring Ciara ~morgan~ ciara the leprochon ~me~ ms demeter from da hood loland why dont you get a job by offspring ~bc~ my cuzin matt taught it to and he is off at war support our troops :)
my favortie movies are Scary Movie 3 ~taylor~ cindy the t.v is leaking lol great times happy gilmore ~cuz~ its halrious
i dont know i pretty much watch whatever is on if the romote isnt bye me
i dont like reading a book that is over 120 pages long and i dont even like reading that much ~short attention spand~
Super man is my hero i wanna be just like him when i grow up