CONGRATS!!!! America is finally growing up!!! SO proud!!!
We are experiencing historic times in the United States and the whole world is watching. For the first time in our history we have a viable black candidate for President of the United States. People from around the world are as acutely aware of the significance of this election as are all Americans and many outside the United States want to participate in the event. I have met some people that have come in from other countries to volunteer and others are creating artwork. I would like to introduce you to Austria's amazing artist known as Franke.Franke is a Viennese artist who was just recently on NPR's All Things Considered while painting in Brooklyn's Alphabeta gallery for graffiti artists this past July.Franke's work as an illustrator allows him a wide range of possibilities when doing any art piece. His quality of work is impeccable and his range far reaching. He has done live painting shows, album covers, cartoon commercials and portraits.I would like to share with you his latest creation of Barack Obama. Franke spent 3 months in the States watching the candidates debate and discuss. It has had quite an impact on him to see how our process works. Europe only gets a small amount of the news from the United States. He was fascinated and moved by all he observed. Franke's HOPE OBAMA piece will be shown at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. I hope you are as moved and inspired by his piece as I am.Posters available and 10% goes to the campaign. CLICK HERE!
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