Jovan profile picture


Balkan & Gypsy

About Me

Jovan Torbica
Bassist, composer & arranger
Began studying e-bass in the hard-rock style at the age of 10.
Further studies in classical double bass with Prof. Mario Belloti
Jazz studies at the Vienna Conservatory with Prof. Rudolf Hansen
Performances with leading musicians in varios styles
Solo project in progress:
JOVAN Balkan & Gypsies
Jovan live and in the studio with:
Jony Iliev & Band / CD "Ma Maren Ma"
Songlines (UK) Voted this album for one of "The 10th best Albums of 2003".
Global Rhythm (US) "20 essential world music CDs of 2003"
Wiener Tschuschenkapelle/
Studio CD "Exil"
Live CD "15 Jahre Wiener Tschuschenkapelle"
Sevdah CD, Love Songs from Bosnia with Jovica Petkovic
Urban Sound of Gypsys
Lautlos (feat. Voice & Musicians of the 17 Hippies)
So Shunes feat. Gypsy.CZ
and upcomming CD
Jovan appearing as guest performer with:
Fanfare Ciocarlia CD Gili Garabdi
Nummber 1 in the WMCE Top 10
Dunkelbunt CD MorgenLandfahrt
Vienna Klezmer Band 1st CD "... soll mir sein alles Lied ..."
Export Import Tunes, new CD
Jovan Torbica has performed at the following

11e Gypsy Swing - Angers France
Roskilde - Denmark
Sfinks - Belgia
Sziget - Hungary
X - Block - London UK
Pirineos Sur - Spain
Womex - Sevilla
Klezmore - Vienna
Musicmeeting - Holland
Ariano Folk - Italy
Tollwood - Germany
and more ...
The Spitz - London UK
Katalin - Sweden
Byrdland - Austria/Vienna
Porgy & Bess - Austria/Vienna
Moods - Swiss
Bar 1117 - Moskau Russ.
Golf and Country - Istambul
La Java - Paris
U2 Chillout - Minsk BY
UFA Fabrik - Berlin
Ost Klub - Vienna
A38 - Budapest HU
Paradiso - Amsterdam
Viennese Balkan Clubs
Sodra - Stockholm
Volkstheater - Vienna
Konzerthaus - Vienna
Rabenhoftheater - Vienna
Nationaltheater - Riga
and ...

My Interests


Member Since: 12/14/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Jovan´s Musician Connections
Influences: Life, Love and Music
Sounds Like: Balkan Groove & Gypsy Jazz
From traditional to original
unplugged to electric
solobass to orchestra
Everything with a groove.

Jovan Torbica´s double bass provides hefty enough to make you move all by
it´s lonesome.

Mat Rogers, pop mat
Type of Label: None