Ayodel:Guitarist/vocalist/composerAyodel was born into a very devoted christian home a family of 5 children and who happens to be the eldest of them
and has a child born in a christian home has a great passion for music at his tender age,so he joined the
church choir to fullfil his dreams in music at the age of 14 and Being part of the choir really stir up his instrest
and love to play the guitar although he started as a percussionist went throuhg the basic of music,But his
passion to play the guitar is the main principal thing in his heart which his father never approved until his through
with his school certificate Exams and after all said and done the journey started in 1991 when he joined the late Evangelist SONNY OKOSUNS Band.Where he started doing what he love and dreaming to do and the youngest in the band.And his first show with the Band was the "CHILDREN OF AFRICA CONCERT" that hosted the great Musicians around the world
SONNY OKOSUNS,THIRD WORLD and a own lots of other great musicians.He toured excessively with the band round europe and African countries and after the tour to europe in 1996 back to
nigeria he decided to go solo and starts to pursue his dreams in music and at the same time studying part time Business
Adminiration as somebody who is business minded to progress in life.PROJECT;He recorded six album with the Late Sonny Okosuns and has produced other musicians.
in 2004 he recorded his first album Title MAJO MAYO,which is a combination of goespel,Afro and juju Music.
In 2004 he received an invitation from the yoruba community in South Africa to celebrate the yoruba day with them
and to perform the journey was a success and the performance was great.So later in that year he move back to south
Africa to continue his career in music and in 2006 he released his second album on his label AYODELMUSIC ENTERTAINMENT
Title "ON ONE LIKE GOD" to thank God for what he has done in his life.Ayodel while in south Africa hasperforminvarious Venues,THE BLUEROOMS,BASSLINE,MOYO,ETC.And also share the stagewith the likes of MALAIKA,MXO,KUNLE AYO,SIHPOKAZI and other south Africanmusicians.And with the passion,love,skill he has acquired over the years and experience in music he made up his mind to record his first JAZZ album in 2007,ittook him about one year and five month to finished the project which was success.The album is a combination of Afro,smooth Jazz with west African and goespel Jams that's for everybody young and the old inrespective of your religion.The album is TITLED "DOUBLE PORTION"with hits tracks like,IDUPE,NA WHO DEY TALK,KAMAGBADUN,CONFIDENCE,NO ONE LIKE U,
NEIGHBOUR,IFE etc.that has been generating alots of comments from great musicians around the world that have listing
to the tracks.And through his playing he has been able in touch many soul becos he play with all of his heart
and passion with the love he has for the guitar to be a blessing to everybody and to GOD the giver of all gifts.STYLE:I really dont play one particular brand of music i approach my songs the way they come to me then i decide
the style i want to use to send my message across to people but my passion to be a Jazz guitarist alway
influence my music and style of play.INFLUENCE:I recieved inspirations from above that is (God) who is the giver of all gift,Holy Spirit,
and other great musiciansaround the world like,Georgr Benson,Earl Elugh,Norman Brown,pat Martino etcAyodel Website;ayodelguitar.co.za,myspace.com/ayodelsongs
email adress;[email protected].
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