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The Black Angel
People Iced: Twenty Five
Car Bombs Planted: Five
Favorite Weapon A Cleaver
Arms Broken: Thirteen
Eyes Gouged: Twenty Two
Tongues Cut Off: Six
Biggest Enemy: Boopsie
Get Your HITMAN Name Dane Cook and Halo 2
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It's really hard to say, and too lazy to list, but lets just say i like a large diversity of music.
Not much of a reader, but for the few i have, I Most enjoyed the Harry Potter series, most Michel Crichton and John Grisham books, and my newly favorite, the Halo Trilogy (Yes I'm nerdy).
Let's start with My parents, nice and easy. Then Justin Wong, my good friend for 16 years and counting, whom I will always admire and respect. Mr. Tran cause, he's partially responsible for who I am today. and the few girls whom have always been there for me, since i met them anyways. Ms. Jennifer Sanders, Cecilia Miley, Brilee Coleman, and Rebecca Ahlstrand.