Hmmm. About Me...? yeaaa....? Well a.... My name is.... ah William, those who know my really well call me William, those who want to get to know me call me Will, those who could careless call me hey you, ( theres not many of those people) i killed them =) J/J. I'm from a country not know to man, well the " average man", yea anyway if you want to know ask me and i'll enlighten you. I've lived in this country (USA) for about 14-15 years. It's cool, good food good life, hot men. I'm 20 years old will be 21 in March, yes very exciting can't you tell in my voice. Well i'm tried so i'll finish this bio later. Bye 9/19/05
Continuing the Saga....
I have many friends and many people i say hi to. The people i say hi to i don't really like. I mean other then hi there nothing else i'd say to them. And although i have many friends only a few can i say i like and would be there for them through thick and thin. This may sound messed up but if you really think about it, it's not because you get to thinkin of the times you need them weather it was just to get somethin of your to go boss just walk in...
10/2/2007 12:20am
Two years later...
I swore to myself i'd never return to myspace, i kept saying that it was the devil, and i still firmly believe that but then agian I have a one way ticket to hell so i might as well right :) So you ask what have i've been doing for the last two year... pretty much the same thing yet different year. Today is my debu