I'm Amanda. :)
I LOVE Michael Jackson and NOTHING will EVER change that!
I am a PROUD Michael Jackson Fan! Forever! :) [You can also add my other page if you want to, or just look if you'd like www.myspace.com/inlovewithcena] [I made that page a loooooooong time ago, but I've recently put up some Michael stuff. :)
I love my friends! and all the amazing people that have accepted me here on myspace!!
Thank you all SO MUCH! =)
If you want to talk! Message and/or add me!!!
I'm always up for meeting new people!!!!!!!!!
'SPECIALLY MJ fans! =)
I have youtube.
and I have yahoo!
but to get that one, you'll have to message me! =)
*tons of love!!!!*
"What makes you an MJ fan?"
I am not an MJ fan because I have hundreds of pictures, posters, cds, blah,blah,blah, and I am not a fan of Michael Jackson because I love to "have attention", and I'm not a Michael Jackson fan because I can cover my profile page in Michael.
I am a Michael Jackson fan, because Michael is a caring, loving, kind, and sensitive soul, just like any other person alive, I am an MJ fan because I look at Michael Jackson and I see amazing, I see hurt, I see pain, I see good, I see joy, I see beauty, and I see wonderful. I see Michael Jackson. I don't see "weird-ness", or anything horrid, I see a man, a man who was hurt by horrid lies, lies that NEVER should've been said in the first place, and I see a man that just wants to have fun. Is that so wrong? I don't think so. I see an amazing man, with amazing ability, who is AMAZINGLY cute! :D
His music is so easy to get into, and so easy to be attatched to! While I CANNOT find a favorite picture/song/album/music video/or anything of Michaels, I love it all! I've found a favorite part in every single song I've ever heard him sing, he's the most powerful entertainer I've ever seen! No one's songs have been able to give me the chills, and the second Michael Jackson comes on, you'll see me rubbing my arms like I'm freezing cold cuz I'm covered in chills! :) Michael is beyond phenominal.. so far beyond...
I am a Michael Jackson fan, because Michael is amazing.
I am a Michael Jackson fan, because he cares.
I am a Michael Jackson fan, because Michael is himself. :)
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! "You know your an MJ fan if:
1. You wear white tape on your fingers to school/work and if anyone asks what's with your fingers you lie and say you slammed them in the car door.
2.You always put Michael's CDs at the front of the racks so they'll get noticed whenever you go in any music store.
3. You read a script for drama or english class and instead of saying the scripted "come on" you say "shamone".
4. Everytime you talk to your best bud the first topic that you bring up is MJ.
5.You know every " Oow, Hee's and Shamone" in his songs
6.Michael Jackson IS Peter Pan! Don't argue!
7. You believe water balloon fighting should be an official Olympic sport.
8. everytime you make a sudden movement you grab your crotch...
9. your friend who is also a michael jackson fans tell you to shut up cause your talking about him too much and you need a life.
10. your mate screams "AAooooooow!" after breaking her thumb, but instead of running to her rescue, you add the "Hee-hee" bit at the end.
11. you always write HIStory instead of just history.
12.Just hearing MJ's name being spoken,makes you go crazy!!
13.Whenever you are in the car waiting for your mother or father to come out you always have to blast your Michael Jackson albums not caring who's around to hear it
14.you developed a Michael Jackson 6th sense
16.you wear black loafers and white socks constantly
17.you can't make it through the first 5 seconds of a Michael Jackson video without running up and kissing the TV screen
18. you use pictures of MJ as the desktop background on your PC, or as part of your screensaver.
19. your reply to a knock on your door is to sing, "Who iiii-iisss it?"
20.You are known in school as "Michael Jackson's female counterpart"
21.you add the little star thing to the end of your signature
22.someone has a MJ question they immediately look to you for the answer!
23. you know all the initials of every song off by heart eg TDCAU and BOTDF.
24. you catch yourself dazed off and thinking about him in class... and you dont even notice.
25. anytime someone disses him, you take 'em down and defend MJ like he was your mother.
26. you know the Thiller dance inside out and backwards...and try to show it off at every oppritunity you get.
This video is touching, amazing, and completly WONDERFUL! whoever made it I give you infinity kudos!!! I get the chills when I watch it! ♥
Michael is an amazing, caring, loving person who has always been there for the world! He has amazing music and is an amazing person!
"Before you judge him, Try hard to love him."
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