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About Me

Sooo... Where do I start? Well my name is Soweto (So-way-toe). It's the name of a township in South Africa. I'm not from there and neither are my parents. Why the hell would I be named after the place i'm from anyway? Everybody asks me that so I figured I may as well beat you to it. My born day is August 29th and i'll be accepting presents and monetary donations anytime before, on, AND/OR after my birthday. I've been working at the same place for over a year now. Let me tell ya: Retail SUCKS! But I ♥ my coworkers... with the exception of a few. However, RETAIL THERAPY, better known as, SHOPPING, is the bomb Gina! I read a lot because knowledge is power! I love to watch movies, especially drama or action films. I go out and party when I can but I think i'm finally starting to grow out of that. I ♥ my family and friends dearly! Yall keep me grounded! Muah! I love rainy days. I'm not stuck up. I just don't like you. I am probably the most loyal person you will ever meet. I have personal relationships with everybody at every Sonic in Knoxville. I would drink a Cherry Limeade every single day if I could. Can't live without my cell phone. And now i'm tired of writing random bits of info about myself. Maybe i'll add more later but if you read down to this point... THANKS!

My Interests

Making money, shopping, reading, spending time with family and friends, travelling, naps, going to church, social networking websites lol....

I'd like to meet:

Anybody who can hold an intelligent convo, is drama free, and can make me laugh.DON'T VOTE
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I will listen to anything of any genre, time period, etc. if it sounds good to me :~)but I mainly like R&B and rap.


Coldest Winter, Gods in Alabama, Acting Out, White Oleander, Rain... too many to name...


My mama, my Granny and my Granddaddy (RIP)...