Lucas profile picture


always live life to the fullest

About Me

I am a fun guy to be around. when i'm around people, most of the time i make them laugh. right now i am playing baseball at seminole state college. my whole life has been about baseball. i have been playing since i was two years and i havent stopped. i am a hard worker for what i want and for my dreams. i won't ever give up on anything. without baseball and without my dreams, i would not know where i would be in life.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

playin giutar and piano, and workin hard on bein the best in baseball

I'd like to meet:

roy hobbs


hip hop, r&b, rock, country, slow jams, and my favorite song is "missing you" by puff daddy and "juicy" by biggie smalls


my favorite is action and comedy. and on special occasions i enjoy a chick flick


friends, seinfeld, law and order, fear factor, laguna beach, the oc, and sports center