About Me
[Toxic Flames]
Taco Ninja #1
6/4 Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!
6/3 I hate tests :'(
6/2 Turquoise nail polish FTW!!
6/1 Pas de Cheval
5/31 wow. Acheron has issues. xcouches
5/30 haha. Tatisha ist awesome! lol
5/29 My birthday. 14 now. woot!
-I really want to dye my hair black & turquoise, but I have to wait until I move out
-My favorite colors are (come on this is a no brain-er) turquoise and black.
-People believe that I am a good person to be friends with.
-My best friends of all time who always will be are: Becky, Jessica, Nicole, & Tanisha.
-I am fascinated by snakes and deathly afraid of spiders.
-I am a Vegetarian.
-I'm in a band.
-I get in trouble a lot [r.e. paint :)]
-I am obsessed with hoodies
Stupid Wankers Around Tennessee"-CS
"It's, like, freezing hot."-CS
"It looks like a spider wearing a dunce hat."-SB
"Oh, I didn't know I had a pickle!"-CS
"Pomegranate, pomegranate"
"Becky!"-CS & BS
"I like stools."-GM
"PEEL ME!"-ask.com
"Ah sh- you set the alarm off."-EmoBOYTOY
"Go-go-action Ben Stiller!"-TG
"It's something about French Fries."-AT
"Put that in your French Fry box and shove it!"-AT
"Cause I'm awesome!"
"Yeah, awesomely retarded!"-At & Cs
"You suck ravioli, straight out of the can!"-CS
"I thought there was a pole here..."-CS
"I drool for emo boys!!"-CS
"I'm on crack, lalala!!"-CS
"Ow, my arm!"-AT
"Ah! It's bumpy!"-CS
"The lion is my bf!"-CS
"I want the stick!"-CS
"Yay! I got the stick!"-CS
"I'm gonna put that on there! That to!"-CS
"Berries! Wow..."-CS
"Ah! Get away from me! The mosquito's gonna rape me!"-CS
"We were flashing people! With a flashlight.."-CS
"We'd shined them with the flashlight people."-CS
"Make Ice People!"-CS
"Oh, it's a cat. I thought it was a person."-CS
"I'm gonna swing above Trevors stick."-CS
"How do you do that?"
"I don't know how you do Trevors."-CS & AT
"Here, smell this, it smells like chocolate."-CS
"It's my Assorted Glow Spiral Ruled Index Cards!!"-CS
"Ahh! An ant!"-CS
"Ah! I dropped it in my shirt!"-CS
"Look, it's changing time!"-CS
"Where's your ball?"-AT
"Oh my god, I screamed!"-ES
"Look! It's an emo guy! ... Never mind, it's an ugly guy."-CS
"[Gasp] I'm going to the cake store!!"-CS
"My knee keeps popping every time I move my leg."
"Well, don't move your leg then."-CS & AT
"Tim was looking for me!"-CS
"Achoo!"-CS & AT
"Eww, Look where it landed."-CS
"They eat nuts!"-AT
"Ew another ant!"-CS
"Her dog looks anorexic."-CS
"Look it's a car!"-CS
"Look it's yellow!"-AT
"Look I'm sniffing coke!"-CS [it was chap-stick]
"Wait, I need to use you as a pole."-CS
"Stop dying or I'll kill you!"-CS
"The thing! See the thing?"-CS
"I'm being Sarcastic-ic-ic. That's going on my myspace-ace-ace."-CS
"Let's go get some money..er food..umm..soda."-CS
"They got candy bars."-AT
"Ah, it's stuck!"-CS
"OMG, like we're in a store!"
"Where's your shirt?"-CS & AT
"Oh my freaking frick!"-CS
"I have too many things in my pockets."-AT
"bob is stupidestest"-CS
"I don't have a flashlight, it's a piece of stick!"-CS
"I only play at night."
"Yeah, we're vampiric!"-AT & CS
"That's the guy you wanted me to talk to. He does videos."-CS
"We're gonna make you stuff."-CS
"Jonas Brothers Suck Jamaican Romping Men Three Nights."-CS improvising a CAPTCHA
"It's meat."
"No it's not, it's steak."-AT & CS
"I'm gonna use a plastic bag as a peanut butter."-CS
"I use lots of jelly
"Ew, it's squishy."-AT
"He was funnier without his beard."-AT
"I'm smoking pen."
"You're smoking pen?"-CS & NR
"There's four days so it's 1, 2, 3, 4...6. So where'd the other money come from?"-CS
"How's my pickle? Big and juicy."-AB
"I was being farcastic."-CS
"Blanket, blanket, you!"-CS
"These are my favorite sunglasses ever!"-CS
"Woah, I spelled ever wrong..."-CS
"That one's kinda squishy, but the other one's hard."-CS
"Hey, I want the hard one."
"I blew it up! My hard one!"-TW & CS
"I wore this to bed and my wrist turned green."-CS
"Sugar loaf? What kind of stuffed animal is that?."
"It's not, it's a brand."-TW & CS
"In a se- woah!"-CS
"It was so funny it wasn't even funny."-CS
"My friend's not gonna be a freaking transsexual thing!"-TW
"Did you just say Judge Damon?"-TW
"I can't get it out, it's stuck!"
"So just leave it."-TW & CS
"Popping lessons!"-CS
"But he's your boyfriend!"
"Well your the one who wants him!"-TW & CS
"It's coldish."-CS
"The Cake Is A Lie!!!"-TW
"What are you, a pickle?!"-F2
"Tile floors?
Wooden floors?
or carpet floors?
Mmmm... all three"-CS
"Those who do not feel pain seldom think that it is felt."-SJ
"Your devotion to the purity of your body is only matched by your dedication to pure evil."-F2
"Seek peace, and pursue it."-Proverbs 34:14
"The guy next to the girl next to the old guy"-CS
"A city in Ioho?"[trying to say Ohio]-CS
"Off! Off! Can you take that off?"-CS
"Take those headphones off your face."-AT
"You never stuck anything in my butt!"-CS
"I thought my butt was big."-CS
"What do you do for your climax."-LK
"Let's go into Church and grease some things up."-MR
"I need frikin' white-out or something. I need creme-out."-CS
"You guys are being immature with a bag."-AT
"What is that, an emo monkey bunny?"-NR
"If your Irish and you know it, drink some beer!"-CS
"Ew, it's wet!"-CS
"This is sharp ya know. You could be emo with this."-CS
"Hold fast to dreams / For if dreams die / Life is a broken-winged bird / That cannot fly."-LH
"When we see babies, it's devastating."-DG
"She thinks it ours."-BS
"Ptew bang dead!"-CS
"Your like my own personal brand of heroine."-EC
"There's a taco on your face!"-CS
"Quote myself!"-CS
"You just bend the thing and pull it out."-CS
"Ricky's bent."-LK
"He's just so not a virgin."-LK
"Your not supposed to do that."-CS
"Teradactyl, teradactyl, teradactyl, duck."-BA
"Do you have anything to make it look like there's something in it?"-CS
"Oh, that doesn't work, it's too big."-CS
"I love Amp. It's like Mountain Dew on steroids."-CS
"Peace, love and ducks."-CS
"No freaking clue." which sounded at the time like, "They're getting glue."-LK
"Singing is difficult when chewing gum cause you drool."-CS
"It's soup-alicious."-LK
"Snow go gone-gone!"-CS
"Fire! Flowers! Flowers on Fire!"-CS
"Not all of the time, but most of the some time."-CS
"I promise I'll touch it if you pull it out."-RR
"it would throw me."-CS
"Pocket in one phone."-CS
"It's virginal fluid!"-BS
"It ding-donged your ding-dong!"-CS
"Are you gonna eat your knife?"-CS
"How did you put it back on?"
"I'm amazing."-CS & MV
"I'm grabbing my wenus!"-KR
"Feel how hard they are!"-KR
"Just do it!"-KR
"I wanted Ben to do it, but he wouldn't."-KR
"Peanuts! ... The food you eat."-CC
"Write on the white part."-CS
"He smerged off!"-CS
"He's a full kid."-CS