Life is full of lessons. I spent a very long period of my life ignoring these lessons and doing what I wanted to do. It led to nothing but heartache and misery. Today I still don't have everything figured out but I try my best not to ignore the lessons and to learn from my mistakes. I am also working hard to forgive and forget. Life is too short and beautiful. Now.....once upon a bottle of old number 7 fine tennessee whiskey, lived a drunken m.c. by the name of Docter Charles Thomas Wyatt Earp Eastwood Jhon Wayne Quick Draw Mcguirk Holiday J.r. He was without a doubt the scurg of the south when intoxicated, and for such a horrible drunk, he coudn't hold he's liquor very well. But even though he's vision was blurred and he's balance was off, he could still manage to hold a microphone better than anyone I have ever incountered. Everyone said that if he only put down the white lightning, he might make somethin of himself yet. Well, the years went by, and old Doc just woudn't listen. He kep on a 'drinken, hoopin, hollerin, and carein on, until one day, the local sherrif said he'd had about enough of old Doc Holiday and he's wild ass antics. Now this wasn't the first time Holiday had seen the inside of a jail cell by any means, but somethin happened to old Doc that last time in that no one can seem to explain. I guess the old gunslinger got tired of never gettin his way, and decided he would have much better aim if he stayed soberer than a judge on Sunday. So Doc retired his jugg of Jammeson, but not his microphone. And the rest was history.....