music, coffee, shows, God, the bible, friends, banjos, experimental music, panera, my truck aislin, travel, dancing in the car, road trips, windows down, energy drinks, back roads, scenic routes, anti-materialistic, beach, ocean, aquariums, palladium upstairs, NHBooking, tie dye, jeans, tattoos, bible studies, warm weather, stars, 24hr walmarts, bowling, ect.
the unsaved. and the person God has for me to marry. but im in no rush.
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For Today
The Glorious Unseen
Our Last Night
Life in your Way
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Set Your Goals
Adread in Hell
Dustin Kensrue
sleeping giant
top 3 favorites:
As Cities Burn
i like movies. Preferably scary movies.
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The Whitest Kids You Know
First and foremost, Jesus Christ. He died so that I could live and a love like that is greater than any other.