I'm 25 years old..I'm from a city called Tandil a few miles away from the capital Bs As.
My passion is music...I've been doing jazz gigs since I was 18 years old in Tandil and cities around here.
Love not only jazz but also other styles like funk..latin...tango...folklore,,cuban music..disco and many others.
My favourite musicians go from Bach to Luis Alberto Spinetta(el flaco).
Hope you enjoy my music.
What I try to do is to take some standars and do it my way...with another flavours ...
It's amazing the amount of musicians that are suscribed to my space, and the amount of talented musicians doing music around the planet.
I reccomend to visst ...Bobby Sparks space...Marcus Miller...Incognito...Herbie Hancock..Luis Alberto Spinetta....Mono Fontana....they are just great.
Well that's al folks said Bugs Bunny.....TAKE CARE ....SEEE YA"!!!!!!!!!Profile Edited by Funk My Profile MySpace EditorNew Super Mario World
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