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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me - Wiccan pictures, magickal images, witchy layouts, and more **
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******** Wiccan stuff at ** - Wiccan pictures, magickal images, witchy layouts, and more * * I am an enigma!!A puzzle of a billion pieces and growing. No one way to figure me out, you must take me as I am , including all my broken pieces.I am 48 years old and traveled many roads, burned several hundred bridges and built stronger walls. Walls that can never be penetrated. They are there to keep me safe. Safe from the ugliness of the world, no matter how painful. This place is a sanctuary of sorts. It’s all inside you can not get in. you may judge me on what you hear or maybe what you see. I can assure you , you will be wrong. I’ve lived in many places, seen thousands of faces yet I choose to call very few friend. If I do choose to call you friend do not take it for granted. It is not given easily. Should I call you friend and you do take me for granted I tell you forgiveness does not come often. Should I forgive you, feel blessed it will only happen once. I am married to my 3rd husband and yes he is my charm. It’s for good so don’t even try. It’s been 11 years but 8 married and hopefully we get to have 30 more. We have 2 dogs, a black lab mix that found us, he was wounded and beaten and very bad off. Yet the look in his eyes said he had lots of love left. And a Neapolitan mastiff coyote mix. He is our clown. Then there is Elvis, our adopted king snake. He was a cast off, his owner got board and hardly fed him. He now lives at Graceland. Of course there is Alice our quaker parrot. Ok my quaker, it bites everyone else except for my brother. he was gotten as a foster to train to talk for a nature center where I am on the board of advisors, but we fell in love. No he does not talk yet. Like me he prefers music. It is our safe place. The notes make the beat that fit’s the words inside my soul. It is the passion I hold dear. If I am out which is rare, you will find me at a concert, art show or museum. Even rarer if you see me in a bar or nightclub. If I am there it’s on the dance floor. Letting it all go away. Maybe not forever but at least for a little while. I have an art studio and that is where I spend a lot of time. You never know what could be happening there. I work with all mediums. I design jewelry And prefer to work with sterling and semi precious and natural stone. All are welcome to come and create. It is the place where no negativities exist. IF you have love to share and positive thoughts your welcome to enter the world I've created. for the sign on the door reads:MY COW HAS DIED, I DON'T NEED YOUR BULL!!** &
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Myspace 2.0 layouts & Myspace Layouts

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My Interests

I'd like to meet: - Wiccan pictures, magickal images, witchy layouts, and more *

Graphics & Myspace layouts

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My Blog

life's bag

Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 19:35:00 GMT