I'm married to a sweetie who loves me. I have 15 year old twins who make me laugh. They like me too...so maybe I've been a better mom than I ever thought I could be. MY LOVES: God, my husband, my kids, my parents, my siblings, my extended family, my dog, itunes. MY PET PEEVES: friends who think they should be as important to me as my family (or my dog...or itunes), men who treat their wives like crap (and vice-versa)...especially in public. MY FEARS: flying, airplanes, airports, airplanes flying over my house, being in a tall building that an airplane might hit, flying over large bodies of water.....and large bodies of water.
My Interests
Chick flicks
Project Runway is my show!
My all-time favorite book..."Poisonwood Bible." Read it!
The person who has taught me the most about being strong and standing up for my dignity is my sister, Nina.