Profile GeneratorJust some guy, from some town, in some backwater country the rest of the world wants to live in... What can I say?Goddamn, it's been a while... Even though you bad-ass wisecrackers keep coming at me on here...
Lotsa things happened during my absence on MySpace, like me being in a relationship for 1,5 years, meeting new people, growing and learning... You know, the stuff everybody undergoes during an extended period of time. I've neglected lots of people during that time, school ate up most of it. Guess I'm just a busy little bee...
Consider me back, for now, and more regularly online. I've got some tribute to pay and it better be done right...
Just ask me anything, I'm sure to answer just about anything, including personal questions involving my intimate hygiene, my lovelife and the way I brush my teeth.
Guess I'll hear from ya if you feel so inclined to talk to me...