me = Anne-Sophie
-meeting new people... - taking my camera with me everywhere i go... -singing loud in the shower.... - going on adventures with friends... - feeling / touching everything around me... - sitting by the lake at night with a blanket looking at the stars... - the feeling i get when i'm developing my photographs... - sneezing... - roadtrips... - the fragrance of my favorite perfume.. - learning / descovering new things...- learning new langauges...- the sound snow makes when you walk on it... - the pie my grandmother makes... - bags... - secondhandshops...- giving old pieces of furniture a new life... - the way children look at life... - the look on someone face when they are doing what they love...- festivals...- dancing all night and forgetting everything around me...- cooking...- freckles... - the colors in the sky in the evening...- a storm after a hot summersday...- fun evenings at home with friends... - driving in ann's van too wherever while we sing along with the radio... -laughing... - the colors in the fall... - the fantastic story's old people tell about when they were young... - making silly noises when things are not going my way, it calms me down... - when people smile for no reason... - daydreaming... - finding an bakery thats open after a night fun with friends to get croissants... - listening to silly music, because it makes me laugh... - cuddles... - kisses...- Strawberry Daiquiri (mmmm)- lomography...- making things up as we go... - wild nights with cinderella... - traveling... -...DISLIKES:
-when people look serious al the time... - a mosquito buzzing in my room when i want to sleep...- lies...- when someone pretends to be someone they are not... - fights...- aggression...- abuse...- when people make you feel like an object, have fun with you and then throw you away as soon as you bore them... - people who think that they are better than everyone else... - people in costumes / disguise they scare me, not knowing whats behind theire mask... - being hurried into something... - when people don't know when to stop...
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