paint it red profile picture

paint it red

About Me

me = Anne-Sophie LIKES: -meeting new people... - taking my camera with me everywhere i go... -singing loud in the shower.... - going on adventures with friends... - feeling / touching everything around me... - sitting by the lake at night with a blanket looking at the stars... - the feeling i get when i'm developing my photographs... - sneezing... - roadtrips... - the fragrance of my favorite perfume.. - learning / descovering new things...- learning new langauges...- the sound snow makes when you walk on it... - the pie my grandmother makes... - bags... - secondhandshops...- giving old pieces of furniture a new life... - the way children look at life... - the look on someone face when they are doing what they love...- festivals...- dancing all night and forgetting everything around me...- cooking...- freckles... - the colors in the sky in the evening...- a storm after a hot summersday...- fun evenings at home with friends... - driving in ann's van too wherever while we sing along with the radio... -laughing... - the colors in the fall... - the fantastic story's old people tell about when they were young... - making silly noises when things are not going my way, it calms me down... - when people smile for no reason... - daydreaming... - finding an bakery thats open after a night fun with friends to get croissants... - listening to silly music, because it makes me laugh... - cuddles... - kisses...- Strawberry Daiquiri (mmmm)- lomography...- making things up as we go... - wild nights with cinderella... - traveling... -...DISLIKES: -when people look serious al the time... - a mosquito buzzing in my room when i want to sleep...- lies...- when someone pretends to be someone they are not... - fights...- aggression...- abuse...- when people make you feel like an object, have fun with you and then throw you away as soon as you bore them... - people who think that they are better than everyone else... - people in costumes / disguise they scare me, not knowing whats behind theire mask... - being hurried into something... - when people don't know when to stop...
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.. a

My Interests

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My Blog


You're the shampoo in my eyesYou are the salt in my woundsA necessity in lifeBut always in the wrong placeYou're the thorn in my sideYou ache and ache and acheStill I can't live withoutYou will be in...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 06:35:00 GMT


Jep baby's i'm back from tsjechie, it was amazing!!! The adventures, the sun, the swimming, the campfires int the evening, but above all the group... they were so sweet, just fantastic, they made sure...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 09:37:00 GMT

I'm off!!

sweet baby's of mine, i'll be gone to tsjechie from today (7) till the 17th of loads of fun, i know i will... tell me everything when i get back!!! bug hugg!!!! X
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 21:14:00 GMT

sweet escape

Sometimes you have those day's when you just want to escape to a place where people are nice, always have a smile for you, the atmosphere is nice, where you can relax, a place where you can come with ...
Posted by on Tue, 29 May 2007 07:15:00 GMT


they should build a statue of you,and put it on a mountain t'aime ma petite soeur! X ..Regina Spektor Videos | Bebo | Minneapolis Homes">
Posted by on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 06:55:00 GMT


Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Posted by on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 16:28:00 GMT