~The Waiest Order~
Honor, Actions, and DeedsAre you one of the millions of people growing tired of the daily lie of the corporations, politicians, and religions? Are you ready to take a true stand, making a real difference for having lived? Are you ready to reach your full potential in your journey? Then it is time to join the growing movement that is the Waiest Order.
It is not what you say; it is what you do that defines you.~The Waiestâ„¢ Order’s Creed~If universal life bids that I should follow this journey then I will with honor and faith! For I may not know what is to come, but I know something will. I will make the best of my journey, I will be thankful for the opportunity to show my faith, and I will find enlightenment in the journey. So may it be.The Waiest Order is a group of individuals who have grown tired of the daily lies of corporations, politicians, and religions. The Waiest Order are individuals who have grown tired of living like sheep, tired of being told how they should perceive the world, tired of those who serve weakly just surviving from day to day when we are meant for so much more. The Waiest Order are individuals who have decided to take a stand, not to concern themselves with these conflicts and dramas but to turn from them to the way of the middle path, which is a naturally occurring philosophy and an enlightened awakening. These individuals have decided to focus more on the life that is being lived rather than the implements of living it and to truly make a difference for having lived. A Waiest lives to experience the whole of the journey, to learn from its teachings, and to understand that no one part of the journey is all encompassing for it is all the teaching of universal life and can be apart of the enlightened experience.The Waiest Discipline is like that of a martial arts discipline but your life’s journey is the art in which you train. A Waiest Order member is one who trains in the Waiest Discipline, approaches their life as a personal test, and lives by a code of conduct, a personal discipline, and a way of thought not unlike that of a modern samurai, monk or knight’s life code. By seeking enlightenment through training a “Waiest†is one who engages the world, willingly seeks out the challenges of living, and learns through the teachings of life. A “Waiest†cuts through the illusion of worldly dictates and demands, overcomes personal limitations that block the path to enlightened consciousness, and sees beyond how the world is presented as the search for enlightenment is within.We do not perceive ourselves as better, just different. We live for different goals and reasons, adhering to a universal life code, the Waiest Creed, and the Waiest Doctrines that help to guide us on the journey, which is one’s relationship with universal life and enlightenment. The Waiest Order does not follow one organized religion nor are we one, but we leave that up to the person’s individual journey and respect them all. The Waiest Order sees all faith as one faith, all life as one life, each day as an act of faith, and offers opportunity and enlightenment to those who truly seek it. The Waiest Order teaches that if you want world peace you must find inner peace first. If you want an enlightened world you must be enlightened. It is you that must go forth to stand or fall, to live your life journey, and to truly understand it for that is the purpose of one’s life journey, to grow through the teachings of one’s life journey, to overcome obstacles, and to find enlightenment in the journey.The Waiest Order empowers through individuality, as each Waiest is an individual with individual beliefs, individual faith, and an individual relationship with universal life and whose one common goal as a collective mindset is based in the foundation of Waiest Discipline training and adhering to the Waiest Universal Life Code, Waiest Creed, and Waiest Doctrines, which helps you to focus your life’s energy and more clearly see the teachings of your life’s journey. The ultimate goal of the order member is to achieve enlightenment and to become one with your journey while not imposing your life on another and, through this, truly strengthening the greater whole.The greatest warrior to conquer is the warrior within. A Waiest does not see a declining society but a spiritual awakening. The world is perfect as it is, and life is a test of faith. The trial is not to see a declining society and not to succumb to its trappings but to overcome and find enlightenment in your journey. Do not allow the test of life drag you down but raise you up. Do not just complain about situations and issues but create solutions. In today’s world you can not drop a bomb on or point your finger at “the enemyâ€. It is the break down of an intuitive code of conduct. It is the absence of respect, honor, and loyalties that we are missing in our day to day life. People think they respect but do not even respect themselves. There are those who say they are loyal but as soon as it suites their needs they rationalize hurting others. There are those who say that they have honor but will not even stick to their word. We want to receive but do not want to give; we want to succeed but not to sacrifice, we want to survive but not to live. If you read this and are saying to yourself “that’s the way those people areâ€, remember that you too are “those people†and until you realize this you will forever walk the beaten path, never to overcome and find an enlightened inner peace in your journey.To be a part of the of Waiest Order you must have completed your apprenticeship in either a class or with the home meditation program and be a Waiest Journeyman or Waiest Guide. You must apply the Waiest Discipline daily, and study and adhere to the Waiest Universal Life Code, Waiest Creed, and Waiest Doctrines. If you do not do this then you are not an active member of the Waiest Order. It is as simple as that. Now this does not mean that you can not train in the Waiest Discipline for your own personal growth as a non member. That is perfectly fine, and we hope that you do. However, do not lie to yourself and say you are something when at the end of the day your actions speak differently than your words for this just only weakens you for doing so.The most difficult trial you will face is to look within. The Waiest Order is based on honor, and only you can truly know if you are following the way or not. This is your journey. No one will ever check up on you to see if you are doing what is needed. There are no mandatory classes to take, and we do not ask you for any verifications. You must monitor yourself, for becoming a part of the order is a life calling and the journey is yours. There are many people say that they follow a philosophy or theology, but at the end of the day their actions do not prove that they do. They truly do not follow there doctrines even though they tell everyone they do. The Waiest Order is about letting your actions and deeds speak for you and taking your life to the next level. It is your duty to monitor yourself and to make the best of your journey.We only offer opportunity. It is up to you to walk the path. All that we offer can be supported either by science or logical thought. We will not discuss things that we can not back up, that we have not experienced first hand, or that we can not show you first hand. This is not to say other ideas are not valid. They may very will be valid, and can be an important part of your journey. We only work with how to make the best of life’s experiences not the experience themselves for that is a pivotal part of an individual’s journey and must be experienced first hand by the individual to mean anything. To each their own journey.~Waiest Order Doctrines~1. The ultimate goal of a Waiest Order member is to achieve enlightenment and to become one with your journey.
2. A Waiest Order member will seize opportunities and share the vision while not imposing your life on another.
3. A Waiest Order member approaches their life as a personal test and is thankful for any opportunity to show their faith, letting their honor, actions, and deeds speak for them.
4. A Waiest Order member is a practitioner of the Waiest Discipline and applies it daily to their journey.
5. A Waiest Order member studies, memorizes, and adheres to with an uncompromising dedication the Waiest Doctrines, Waiest Universal Life Code, and Waiest Creed.
6. A Waiest Order member greets with Gosho as it is a sign of respect.
7. A Waiest Order member wears their mala beads as a reminder and a symbol of universal life journey.
8. A Waiest Order member avoids any excessive behavior that hinders their mental, physical, and spiritual growth.
9. The Waiest Order offers opportunity and enlightenment to those who are willing to help themselves.The Calling to the Growing Movement that is the Waiest Order - You are welcome to take a very active roll in the Waiest Order. You can start your own chapter of the Waiest Order. Adhere to the guidelines, teach classes, have meetings, and do volunteer work, helping those that want to help themselves, but always remember to follow your own path and that the discipline and the order are just tools to help one in their life journey and are not the journey itself.The whole of the universe is the temple of the Waiest Order, and each Waiest Order member is expected to monitor themselves. Therefore, the Waiest Doctrines are extremely important in that they our foundation and structure and links all Waiest around the world in a very special way, through honor.The Waiest Universal Life Code is a natural code of conduct and a personal discipline, which is sorely missing in the world today. It is about hope, learning from the lessons of universal life’s teachings, and making the best of your journey. It is about your individual faith, your individual relationship with universal life, and your individual journey. The way of the life code is hope. It is the freedom to overcome fear and doubt and to find enlightenment in your journey.~ WAIEST UNIVERSAL LIFE CODE ~.I am a Waiest, servant of universal life and follower of the journey..I am dedicated to universal life and universal life's journey and to make the best of that journey wherever it may lead. I do not seek religions, attachments, approval, political or social agendas - just balance within universal life's journey. I am to be open, to learn from my experiences, and to grow and move forward using universal life as my guide..I serve through daily application of the Waiest Discipline, cultivating my life energy and enlightened inner peace, seizing opportunities, sharing the vision, and not imposing my journey on others..I do not focus myself on the ways of man for they are only temporary tools to be used along my journey to better my journey, but they are not my journey..I make everywhere my temple. I make every day a special day. Universal life is my teacher..A Waiest flows through universal life as universal life flows through the Waiest. All that we have has been provided by universal life. All that we know has been shown to us by the teachings of universal life, and all that we do is universal life's journey. A Waiest is at one with the nature of things and a follower of the one faith- the individual faith, the faith that is within, and the one faith that is your journey. Each day is an act of faith. Not with just knowledge of the path, but by walking the path, the Waiest becomes one with the journey..Let peace be of your heart, faith be your strength, and universal life be your guide. The journey is enlightenment.The world is as it should be. It is not your government or the free market that operates badly. It is the people for it is us that operate the government and free market. It does not matter how many governments come and go or what politicians comes to power (who cause as many problems as they solve), how many bombs are dropped and wars are waged, no matter how many charitable acts are committed or how many churches there are. It will all stay the way it is for life is a test of faith, and it is through joys and difficulties that drive us and teach us. Without them you would have no need for faith in life. There can be no world peace for that is the purpose of your life journey, to have faith, to overcome the trials of life, and to achieve an inner peace and enlightenment within your journey. The change begins with you!Be thankful for the opportunities given to you to show your faith. If you ask for strength in your journey you will be given the opportunity to be strong. If you ask for courage in your journey you will be given the opportunity to be courageous. If you ask for patience in your journey you will be given the opportunity to be patient. You must learn these things like any other behavior or action or task that you have learned in your life- by living them! All that you know was taught to you by living your journey, and it is this knowledge that is universal life teachings.Waiest Discipline – The waist Discipline is that art of mastering yourself to achieve a higher state of mind for the betterment of all. We have all had enlightened moments. Enlightenment is a state of mental fitness that can be achieved by all. You do no t have to be a guru. It is not a ending but a new beginning, which is essential to reach your life’s full potential. It is a complete state of mind. Just like physical fitness, Mental fitness and personal discipline are the foundation of your individual enlightenment experience. The enlightened experience is unique to our species. Therefore, would it not stand to reason that is one of our primary reasons we, as humans exist? We are meant just to survive day to day and paycheck to paycheck but to achieve a higher state of mind for the betterment of all.
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