Restore your classic tube amp to original performance and sound. Over ten years experience restoring classic amps and over 20 years electronic experience. Restored classic amps that have been sold at many Long Island music shops including Guitar Center. Much lower prices then repair shops as I work out of my house with no middle man or overhead. You drop it off, I check it out, if I can't fix it for what ever reason you don't pay. You only pay on agreed upon repair.Restored many Fender, Gibson, Ampeq, Peavey and Mesa Boogie amps. Also repair solid state amps such as Crate and PA amps.Also repair and re-wire electronics on guitars such as pickup coils, pots and input jacks.Degree in Electronics and military wire and soldering certifications.And if you get a chance, please read my blog on "inside" amp reviews!Get your own
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