I'd like to meet myself from the future, telling me that my calculations for time travel are correct...or someone named Hank, or maybe even Marcel Duchamp...anyone who can turn a urinal into intelligent, thoughtful art intrigues me
Also, whoever decided to put peanut butter on celery :)
Stuff I don't like:
When people take advantage of my kindness, Peas, Jagerbombs, People who think they're exclusive, Nascar, Accidentally zippering myself with my coat zipper, Burning my tongue on coffee, When bandaids don't stick, Snobby indie kids, Religious fundamentalists, Not being able to help those that I love, Those rediculous Ugg boots (especially when paired with skirts - pointless!)
I've always wanted to learn about the physics of a banana peel to understand where it gets its dangereously, slippery properties from.
Oh yea and double dutch. How the hell do you do that?
I enjoy people who make me think, laugh, and examine. Humility is also something I greatly appreciate. Any person that creates a positive tension in my personal beliefs and values, forcing me to reconstruct my philosophy is someone I hold dear.
Plus that dude that makes the occasional fart joke that really just cracks me up...those people deserve nobel peace prizes!
Beeker is my all-time favorite muppet.
Thats a picture of Beeker hanging out of my car window.
I title it: "Beeker in the Sky with Diamonds"
Someone stole him from me 2 years ago :(
I hope to find another someday........someday.
I wouldn't be 100% me without The Kinks.
More specifically, the exquisite John Gosling on the pianoforte!
Just watch...and make some tea ;)
If you really want to hear something "out-there", or if you're just looking for a reason to look at me weird, ask me about Buggs Bunny and coconut shrimp sometime...You'll probably never look at me the same way afterwards.
Check out my E-Harmony and Match.com profiles because they guard some of my deepest secrets: Which goosebumps book has changed my life the most? What style of suspenders makes me feel sexy? Those answers and more!
Bottom line: I'm in this thing called life for the laughs!
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