Hmmm not very good at talking about myself but here it goes, pretty much all of you on my page know the basics, from Virginia where I lived for the first 25 years of my life. I graduated from hayfield secondary where I met the love of my life Luke N. when it came time for college he left for Virginia tech and I went to Northern Virginia Community College. We were able to maintain a long distance relationship and 2 years later I joined him in Blacksburg where we remained for 2 years. We ended up breaking up Aug 1998 when he left for boot camp. We both thought for sure we were done. But fate had other plans and we reunited a couple of months later. Shortly after he made it to Charleston SC we were married and I soon joined him. We lived in Charleston for a little under a year and a half and found ourselves living in St Mary’s GA. It’s a great place to live if you have a love for gnats and mosqoitos. You don’t mind having to drive 45 minutes to get to the closest mall. Not to mention the smell of the near by swamp is something you can handle. Oh and can’t forget while we were there we only had 2 choices of restaurants to choose from (Applebee’s or Cracker Barrel) LOL. You should have seen the town when Super Wal-mart opened its doors LOL.Living in Georgia wasn’t all that bad. We met and became friends with some really wonderful people YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.. and we miss and love you guys!!!
Anywho, after 3 years of living in Georgia we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl born on Oct 15th that we named Lauren Ashley. Just shy of 2 years later her sister Samantha Christine was born on Aug 24th 3 weeks ahead of schedule. ( AND PLEASE DO NOT CALL HER SAMMIE OR SAMMI OR SAMMY I CAN’T STAND IT.. WE PREFER SAMI THANK YOU).Shortly after Sami was born we made the decision for Luke to re-enlist. With one major condition “WE HAD TO GO TO SHORE DUTY†after being on the same boat for 7 years I needed a break. ( well by the time he was able to get off the boat at that point it would have been 7 years). We just had to decided were to go. He wanted to stay in Georgia, I for one had my sights on Charleston again. I missed it terribly the whole time we were in Georgia. As you can tell we ended up choosing Charleston… I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it here. We also decided we would buy our first home, since we have lived in base housing since we have been married. GLAD WE DID.Our son Michael Alexander was born on June 25,2008 weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces and meassuring 19 1/2 inches. He has been a blessing such a wonderful addition to our family.. we are now complete NO MORE KIDS .. SERIOUSLY.We also recently found out luke will be getting out of the military due to medical reasons within the year or so. as excited as i am to be to be able to open one door i can't help but be sad at having to close another door. but i am eager to start a new journey that doesnt' deal with the miliatry..dont' get me wrong i am truly grateful for the miltary and the life it has provided up. But it is time to move on and i know we will keep in touch with the friends we have made over the yearsI LOVE watching football. Okay more like I love watching my teams play. I have been a redskins fan since I was 6 years old and in the last year I have been converted to steelers fan. Why the steelers? Do you know the coach? LOL I do.. hahahahhaha… well now that our son is born, i am so looking forward to football season... LET’S GO STEELERS AND LET’S GO MIKEY.. I AM PROUD OF YOU BIG BRO!!!Well I guess that’s all for now!!!.r{}
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