D. Abatoir and Eddie Eagles are two brothers bringing change to a stilted and mundane hip hop genre. Hailing from Castle Downs, Canada, these extrodinary artists are up against all odds.
D. Abatoir handles the m.c. duties with uncanny wordplay, clever punchlines and autobiographical material. His lyrical vision is a sight for sore ears. With a destinct voice and inspirational subject matter, Abatoir's lyrics will make an impact reguardless of anyone's apprehensions. He is definately an original poet speaking to our generation.
Accompanied by Eddie's musical backdrops, each track is a marvel onto itself. Eddie is a self taught musician able to play any instrument put before him. The remarkable thing about Eddie is that he doesn't actually listen to music. Having never owned a single tape or record, he draws inspiration only from himself, leaving his style unrecognizable with no formulas.
Being brothers, these two feed off each others energy and could be describe as ying and yangs. Both are polar oppisites to each other whether it be likes, influences and motives, making them a remarkable team.
For more info, track samples, and updates, check: WWW.CDERECORDS.COM