brittany gabrielle: pop bottles!!! profile picture

brittany gabrielle: pop bottles!!!

what you see isnt half of what you get!!!!!

About Me

hi everyone, my name is i'm a third year college student. originally from new orleans, la but now i live right outside wash dc in northern va bc of hurricane katrina. i am currently studying abroad in england for the year, but i cant wait to come back home bc i miss my fam and friends and cajun/creole food tremendously. since coming to europe, i've become obsessed with traveling. i love meeting new people and making new friends, so dont be afraid to say hello. anything else you want to know, youll just have to ask. so thanks for stopping by and...
This is Me!:
Name: Brittany
Last Name: Bolden
Birthday: 11/21/85
Birthplace: New Orleans, LA, USA
Eye color: brown
Hair color: dark dark brown, almost black
Right or left hand: right
Zodiac sign: scorpio
Current location: Keele University, Stoke-on-Trent, England, UK
Marital Status: single and hating it at the moment
Favorite Things
TV Show: the office-US version
Movie: love and basketball
Singer: mariah
Rapper: old school-tupac, current-lil'wayne
Genre of Music: hip-hop/rnb
Album: cant really say
Animal: dogs
Food: creole/cajun, all foods native to new orleans and/or southern louisiana
Drink: lemon berry slush from sonic
Color: purple
Number: 21
Clothing Brand: roberto cavalli is my favorite designer
Shoe Brand: umm, i care more about how the shoes look rather than who designed them
Season: fall cuz its boyfriend weather
Month: november bc its when i was born, plus i love fall and thanksgiving
Sport: basketball-its like religion in my fam, i was raised on this game
Team: new orleans saints, we're die hard fans
Actor/Actress: claire danes or natalie portman, theyve been acting since they were kids
Website: my online banking website when i check my account and theres lots of money in it
Best Friend: three wat tie between brittany/brandy/kevyn
Do You...
Smoke: nope, gross!!!
Drink: occassionally
Sing: classically trained singer over here
Rap: i wish
Play an instrument: my voice is my instrument
steal: plead the 5th, but i mean who hassnt stolen something in their life? although, ive never shoplifted
Skipped School: yeah, but it caught up with me
Been in a fight: too many
Been in Love: yes and it hurt like hell
This Or That
Birthday/Christmas: christmas
Shoes/Sandals/Flip Flops: shoes only bc i have two torn ligaments in my right foot and i cant wear my corrective inserts in sandals or slip flops
Nike/Puma/Adidas: nike all the way
Love/Single: love, its what makes life worth living
Night/Day: night
Computer/Handy: handy
Music/Films film
West coast/East coast: east coast, but i really wanna say that dirty dirty south
McDonald's/Burger King mcdonalds fries, but burger king burgers
Who is the strongest person you know? my mom defo
Who has been your biggest inspiration? Why? my brothers (esp my little brother, sean - r.i.p.) and my sister, we've been through so much in out lives and no one else can understand it but you guys, i love you
Who has made you laugh the most? umm, prolly beau, or jeremy,
Who has made you cry the most? these two individuals shall remain anonymous
If you become famous, what will you be famous for? changing the world
When you wish upon a shooting star, what do you wish for? the kind of love and happiness that will sustain me for a lifetime, and that can only come from GOD!
Which Friend is the...
Funniest: beau
Loudest: kevyn
Nicest: eleanor
Craziest: brandy-this girl knows how to have a good time
Most Trustworthy: kirsten
Quietest eleanor
Other Questions
Do you us any Instant Messengers? aim, yahoo, msn, myspace, i have them all, but only bc im living abroad at the moment and i use them all to stay in touch with my friends and fam back home
Biggest fear? dying, and dying alone and unhappy
Color of your room? sorta tan/khaki
Do you wear contacts/glasses? yeah, both at some point, currently, its glasses
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be? at home in new orleans eating some shrimp and crawfish with my little brother
Who is the prettiest person? its the inside that counts, and in that case, its my mom
Who would you like to meet? someone who'd like to meet me, and GOD when i die
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The Story Of My Life Survey:
I was born...
on the date: November 21, 1985
in the city, state: New Orleans, LA
to the parents: Joseph and Dawn Bolden
my siblings are: Chris, Chelsea, and Sean - R.I.P.
I was named: Brittany Gabrielle Bolden
My zodiac sign is: Scorpio
My family...
is normal because: We Have Lots Of Problems Like Everyone Else, We Make Each Other Crazy, But In The End We All Love Each Other
is weird because: We Just Are
I get along best with: My Sister - Chelsea
I fight the most with: My Mom
the smartest one is: Me
the funniest one is: My Brother - Chris
the most responsible one is: Me
I started school...
when i was this old: 5
at this school: Bayou Woods Elementary School
my favorite teacher was: Mrs. Coote
my best subject was: English
my worst subject was: Math
my junior high/middle school was: Slidell Junior High School
my high school was: Slidell High School
my high school sweetheart was: I Dont Get Attached
I went to prom with: Eddie Howell
my first crush was on: Rupert, yes...........his name was Rupert
my high school crush was on: I Didnt Have One
I was this old when i had my first kiss: 13
it was with this person: I Dont Remember
my first boyfriend/girlfriend was: Some KId in Kindergarten, I Dont Remember
my current boyfriend/girlfriend is: N/A
my first job was: Candy Maker @ MIa Faith Candies
my current job is: Getting From My Parents
I live with: My SIster, Chimene, and Rachel
I plan on doing this with my future: Living in Italy or Ireland and Working at the American Embassy in Rome or Dublin
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My Interests

music, reading, really old movies, learning, singing, theater, sleep, not being bored, making money with very little effort, anything that will add to my general happiness

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet myself 10 years from now, and GOD/JESUS when i die.
The Opposite Sex:

Body or Face face, you have to look at it more
Looks or Personality personality
Height at least 5'10'' but up to like 6'4''
Weight average, athletic
Hair Color dark
Eye Color light
Most Important Physical Feature mouth
Good/Bad Traits
Funny good
Loud maybe
Seductive good
Quiet maybe
Tall good
Short bad
Athletic good
Fat bad
Immature bad
Competitive maybe
Hyper bad
Smoker bad
Drinker maybe
Smart good
Dumb bad
Observant good
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all music except hard-core rock/metal and country. just cant do it kids!!!!!


eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, memoirs of a geisha, hustle and flow, chronicles of narnia, crash, closer, diary of a mad black women, crash, shaun of the dead, true romance, sin city, when a man loves a woman, unfaithful, gone with the wind, ever after, divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood, coach carter, the shawshank redemption, the joy luck club, snow falling on cedars, a walk to remember, o, save the last dance, american history x, office space, dead poets society, the virgin suicides, mean girls, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, sixteen candles, pretty in pink, lucas, the best man, above the rim, chocolat, mona lisa smile, boys in the hood, the matrix, tuskegee airmen, mulan, 8 mile, the babysitter's club, remember the titans, school of rock, les miserables, dangerous liaisons, romeo and juliet, dances with wolves, the basketball diaries, big daddy, monster's ball, angel eyes, seven year itch, my fair lady, old school, the importance of being ernest, the outsiders, the breakfast club, pretty woman, breakfast at tiffany's, love and basketball, moonstruck, dodgeball, the lion king, cruel intentions, a goofy movie, the sandlot, what's eating gilbert grape, cat on a hot in roof, a walk in the clouds, in love and war, a streetcar named desire, the godfather, the bad seed, kill bill, american beauty, antwon fisher, some like it hot, oliver!, the phantom of the opera, ray, rules of attraction, the chosen, fiddler on the roof, the notebook


heroes, the office, bridezilla's, grey's anatomy, law & order, desperate housewives, degrassi, the hills, janice dickinson modeling agency, biography on a&e, comic view, footballer's wives, bad girls club, coupling, whose wedding is it anyway, law & order svu, rob & big, dirty jobs, dance life, the most extreme, laguna beach, general hospital, american idol, the cosby show, fresh prince, one tree hill, beyond the break, america's next top model, snl, saved by the bell, so you think you can dance, true life, project runway, top chef, etc.


neither here nor there, the sacred art of stealing,iola leroy, the garies and their friends, a child called it, dress your children in corduroy and denim, xenocide, 1984, speaker for the dead, death comes for the archbishop, the santaland diaries, the killer angels, cyrano de bergerac, he's just not that into you, me talk pretty one day, catch 22, animal farm, black like me, the color purple, anne of green gables, death of a saleman, beowulf, dr. zhivago, go ask alice, the great gatsby, he's just not that into you, jane eyre, pride and prejudice, lysistrata, medea, one day in the life of ivan denisovich, twelth night, i know why the caged bird sings, othello, the phantom tollbooth, wuthering heights, ender's game, lord of the flies, maus, the feminine mystique, maus II, the giver, common sense, the metamorphosis, the life of cotton mather, breakfast at Tiffany's, the scarlet letter, last of the mohicans, the crucible, night, candide, cat on a hot tin roof, a tree grows in brooklyn, a streetcar named desire, perfume, the art of war, naked, the awakening, all the gossip girl novels- i'm basically addicted (so many more, but these are just the ones i really loved!)


my mom, my sister, sally mckellip, ghandi, mlk jr., oscar schindler, harriet tubman, toussaint l'ouverture, nelson mandela, ellie wiesel, maya angelou, oprah, barack obama,..................and my little brother, sean - r.i.p, i miss you everyday and i love you always!!!!!

My Blog

the wedding

so the wedding was amazing, and i loved minute while i was in the states. i loved it so much i tried to chnge my flight and stay longer, but alas, it was just too expensive to change. only 2 more mont...
Posted by brittany gabrielle: pop bottles!!! on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 09:54:00 PST

in a little over 24 hours...

...i will be back in the states. like 30 hours or something like that. so get excited, cuz i am. i know you cant wait to see me, right?!!!!! home is where your heart is, and i really miss america and ...
Posted by brittany gabrielle: pop bottles!!! on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 06:24:00 PST

i'm unknown - a poem

misconceptionperfect deceptioninconspicuousits so ridiculousi feel like i'm fadin'into the shade andwhile i disappeari know you'll never hearthose words, that once were spokenjust to be a tokenof what...
Posted by brittany gabrielle: pop bottles!!! on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:29:00 PST

going going back back to cali cali

so, only nine more days until i will be in beautiful sunny california. my favorite aunt is getting married, so i had to be there. why else would i make an 11 1/2 hour trip from england across the pond...
Posted by brittany gabrielle: pop bottles!!! on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 02:40:00 PST


i am actually interested in someone. this always happens to me when i least expect it, and usually under bizarre circumstances, and this situation isnt any different. honestly, i had somewhat given up...
Posted by brittany gabrielle: pop bottles!!! on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:17:00 PST

spring break plans

so, it looks like its italy, spain, and possibly greece for spring break. you can find me stopping off in various cities following this itinerary. italy: milan - florence - pisa - pompei - naples - ro...
Posted by brittany gabrielle: pop bottles!!! on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:35:00 PST