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About Me

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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsWell as you can tell the name is Rebekah!!! I'm 18 years old and I'm a proud mommy and fiance!!! I have a lovely fiance named Bruce!!! He is 21 years old and we have been together for 2 years now!!! We hae a beautiful little girl named Toryana!!! She is about to be 1 years old im October!!! Well more about me!!! I'm a fun girl!!! I love to party and have fun with my friends!!! I'm a big flirt!!! If you have any questions dnt be scurd to hit me up iight!!! love ya!!!This would be my handsom fiance bruce!!! I live him with all my heart and there ant a person on earth that could change that!!!This is our lil girl Toryan!!! She is my pride and joy!!! Besides her dad she is the best thing that ever happened to me!!!This is my sister and my best friend ever Samantha!!! All the times we have lost contact we still manage to be best friends till the end!!! I love you sissy!!!

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My Interests

My interests are well takin care of my little girl, watchin movies and i guess myspace sence im always on it!! lol
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I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people who arnt face, don't hate on you behind your back and now how to have fun. I'm sick of all the drama I'M NOT IN HIGH SCHOOL NO MORE!! I'm not lookin for a guy to cheat on my man with iight. So all you guys JUST KEEP GOIN IIGHT!!!! I alreaddy found my man!!!
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I like hip hop, rap, r&b, some rock, some country and thats about it!


I like action movies and my favorit movies are all 3 of the saw movies. I love them. But my all time fav movie is The Wizard of O.Z. I havr loved the movie sence i was a little girl!!!
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Well i watch T.V. I like alot of shows. But my fav T.V. shows are the PBS kids cartoons and shows i watch with my little girl!!
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i have read alot of books but i really like books by Shell Silversteen. He has done alot poem books.
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My mom and my grandma are my heros. My mom because no matter what has happend she was always there in some way and when i got pregnat she didn't try to make my disishion for me she let me do it and was behind me all the way. My gran because no matter what i have done she still love's me and was there for me through out my whole pregnancie. My fiance Bruce for tryin his hardest to give me and our baby girl the best life he can. I love you all so much!!
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