photography, film/movies, music (live shows), good wine, rock climbing, my dog sophie (boxer), any form of h20, drawing, travel, road trips!!! LIFE!!!!
original, honest, open minded, foward thinking, inovative, outwardly expressional, inwardly beautiful, laughing, aware, NICE people!!! NO HATERS!!!
pulp fiction, kill bill(s), jacky brown....hell, all quentin flicks, city of god, run lola run, amelie-all audrey tautou movies, way of the gun, boondock saints, all bratpack movies, heathers, the princess bride, the never-ending story, willow, office space, edward sissorhands, true romance, benny and joon-any thing with johnny-i'd soooo dip in some depp!! xx/xy, garden state, hero, napolean dynamite, donnie darko, the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, punch drunk love, lost in translation, marx bros movies, monty python movies, all the real girls, before sunset, zatoichi:blind swordsman, maria full of grace, born in the brothels, a very long engagement
tele-fiction? nope.....don't care for it! well, P.B.S. is kinda hot!
heroditus, jane eyre, the tao of pooh, the artist way, the prophet- and other works of kahlil Gibran, shes come undone, say good night gracie, ecclesiastes, silk, short stories- the yellow wall paper, and the scarlet ibis
those that know themselves and their own hearts and are not afraid to live true to it....and my girls!!!