.. Amazon.com Widgets ..Baby Gurl Entertainment is a sub-division of Zone Platinum Ent., it was established in 2007 in Bronx/L.I., New York by L.I.'s finest Mrz. Nikki. Baby Gurl Ent is an all female record label that represents the voices of women of different genres worldwide. Currently we have a E.P. Album out called "Gurl'z Night Out '07 on www.musicfreedom.com/babygurlent featuring "Fallen" by Lasandra and "Grey(Citizen Cope)" by Brianna. Coming Soon is the Yellow Edition of this E.P. Album, so stay tuned. Baby Gurl Ent/Zone Platinum Ent is currently looking for female artists, so if you interested or for more information email us a [email protected]. We have an upcoming album called "Gurl'z Night Out (08)-Reloaded, email us if you want your track on this album. Check out our latest album "Strickly For Da Ladies(Heart, Music & Soul) on sale now!!!"MR.TAC A.K.A. "CHOCOLATE": A Day In Da Life Ex-Perience- The Album"
"Drop-Zone" The Purple Album MixTape Chapter A Volume 2"
"The Fresh Prince of L.I." E.P. Album(out now).. Amazon.com Widgets ..
.. Amazon.com Widgets .. music layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments