-Lewis Black"Sometimes I think it is a great mistake to have matter that can think and feel.It complains so. By the same token, though, I suppose that boulders and mountains and moons could be accused of being a little to phlegmatic."
-Kurt Vonnegut, may he rest in peace
I find it sad when people tell me they don't have time for leisure reading and then proceed to describe in detail each contestant's flaws on American Idol. I hate mini vans that drive in the fast lane. Full size vans are ok, station wagons, sure what the hell, but nascar sticker or not no mini vans allowed. I think that when elders speak one ought to listen, anyone that far in life deserves to be listened too or at least humored. I like the feeling when its hot as hell outside and you jump into really cold water. It sux when my allergies act a fool, I can't stand it when one side of my nose is stopped up, cause I know its getting jealous of the other side, sometimes I think its planning a mutiny. I'm a big fan of sleep, I would vote for sleep in the next election but I think it might be too lazy. I don't believe in people that don't believe in tipping. I do believe that few things in life are as satisfying as a) a good glass of bourbon, b) ciggerates after sex and c) oreo cookies and milk. Its amusing when people curse at others in a foreign language. Its not amusing when people expect respect and offer none. I would take ten small good experiences over one big one. Reading is fundamental. The pepsi challenge was a good idea and if I could do it all over again I would do it wearing more bling. Overall my life has been very interesting but if Disney had designed it there would have been monkeys
Philosophical Associations:
You scored as Karl Marx. You are a radical, perfectly fitting for one of Karl Marx's subjects. The world is wrong, capitalism is awful, and everyone needs to be equal! Down with the establishment, up with the red flag of communism!
Karl Marx
Ayn Rand
Immanuel Kant
Lawrence Kohlberg
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Who is your Philosopher?
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