My fAvOriTe tHiNg tO dO oN mY dAyS oFf is Go tO tHe bEacH It iS pRobAbly tHe mOst aMazIng pLaCe i CaN bE
Im dOwn fOr mEeTiNg aNyOne ThAt Is rEaL. Im a DoWn tO EaRtH pErSoN WhO'S eAsY tO TaLk sO dOnT hEsItAtE tO sEnD mE a mEssAGe aS LoNg aS yOu kEeP iT ReAl wItH mE iLL kEeP iT rEaL wItH yOu.
Favorite movie i would have to say "Crash"
All of Sophie's Kinsella's books are awesome my two favorites are "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and "Can you Keep a Secert" they are funny. "The Five Peopel you meet In Heave" by Mitch Albom has been by far the best book i've ever read.
My mom, she's is the greatest person of all time, and the strongest women i have ever met.