I'm jUst an OrDinaRy giRL. i am a 100% moslem girl and such a good girl. so, don't TALK about SEX to me coz i HATE that. i think it's just not the right time to talk bout it coz i'm unmarried...i live in a common family and i hav 1 big brother..i am such a moody, sometimes childish but sometimes could act like an adult, peace lover, good listener, and Mexican Moslem boy seeker.. (hehe)i love making friends, too. especially with p'ple from other country. by being friend with them who hav different culture and custom, i'll be able to enrich my knowledge bout they characteristics. Ohya, i hav a cat. her name id "CHICHI". She's so close 2 me. everynite she sleep along with me. when i was bored, she cheers me up and we play 2gether just like friend..i love everything bout Mexico and Spain (its culture, musics, language, etc) and of course i love them next after my country..hey you who viewing my profile,, put away our difference and 2gether we'll make this world better. Let's start by making friends with all although u don't know who she/he is (including me..).so, add me & be one of my special friends..
iF u wAnna kNow mOre bOut me, juSt cHecK oUt mY FriEndstEr pRofiLe at www.friendster.com/dechabee
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