“Los Hollywood†nacen en el 2007 cuando Heidy (Vox), Marcos (Guitarra/Bajo), y Gustavo (Bateria) deciden unir fuerzas y talentos en busca de un concepto fresco y con miras a abrir nuevos horizontes musicales. El sonido de Los Hollywood tiene influencias del rock britanico sin nunca olvidar sus raices hispanas.
En enero 2008 Los Hollywood entran al estudio para grabar su disco debut bajo la produccion de Cuevo Perez y el sello indipendiente Carrusel Records.
En su corta existencia “Los Hollywood,†han logrado captar la atencion del publico y los medios. En Junio 2008 ganaron la primera batalla de las bandas patrocinada por Myspace Latino, lo cual les dio el privilegio de ser una de las cinco bandas a nivel nacional patrocinadas por Myspace Latino, tambien les dio la oportunidad de compartir tarima con Ximena Sariñana, artista mexicana nominada al los Grammy 2009 como Mejor Artista Latino Alternativo.
En el 2009 “Los Hollywood†haran el CD Release Party de su primer disco a principios de Marzo, se hara el lanzamiento del video “No te Aguites†y haran una gira promocional en Mexico y USA.
In 2007 “Los Hollywood†were born when Heidy (Vox), Marcos (Guitar/Bass) and Gustavo (Drums) decided to join forces and talent to search for a fresh new concept with hopes of finding a new musical horizon. The sound of Los Hollywood has influences based on british rock with out forgetting their hispanic roots.
On January of 2008 Los Hollywood entered the recording studio to record their debut album under the production of Cuevo Perez and indie label Carrusel Records.
During this short time Los Hollywood have managed to capture the attention of both the public and media. In June 2008 they won the first battle of the bands that was sponsored by Myspace Latino, this in turn gave them the chance to be one of five bands to be sponsored nationwide by Myspace Latino, it also gave them the opportunity to share the stage with Ximena Sariñana a well renown artist from Mexico who was nominated to the Grammy in 2009 for best new latin alternative artist.
In 2009 “Los Hollywood†will have a CD release party of their debut album at the beginning of March, they will launch the video of the single “No Te Aguites†and will have a promotional tour in Mexico as well as the US.