Amber rose profile picture

Amber rose

I am here for Friends

About Me

im a very eccentric person that'll try almost anything once.m I get my Free MySpace Layouts at y spiritality keeps me grounded.

Reveal Some Secrets {scattered}
Name?: chiqula
Age?: 23
Date of Birth?: 1/18/84
Weight?: 180
Height?: 5ft 7in
Gender?: fem
Eye colour?: brown
Hair colour?: brown
Hair type?: varies
Dressing Style?: versatilie
This or That
Naughty or nice?: both
black or white?: blk
green or blue?: blue
pepsi or coke?: neither
mcdonalds or burger king?: whateva if im hungry
taco bell or wendys?: got munchie food if im high as a kite
doctors or dentists?: both, gotta take care of urself
summer or winter?: winter
bath or shower?: both
spring or autumn?: either
beer or wine?: both
pucker or vodka?: vodka
freddy or jason?: freddy
dead or alive?: alive
ying or yang?: who cares
all the free candy you want, or all the free ice cream?: n/a
dark or light?: dark
night or day?: night
ecstasy or shrooms?:
herion or crystal meth?:
rock or rap?: both
country or emo?:
butter popcorn or plain?: buttery
serious or funny?: both
piano or keyboard?: both
strawberry jelly or grape jelly?: who cares u can use both
warm or cool?: no difference
alone or with a lot of people?: both
truth or dare?: both
awake or asleep?: both
have one best friend, or many acquiantances?: n/a
chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla
fail a grade or drop out?: neither 2 smart 4 that
die slowly but painless, or quick but painfully?:
breakfast or dinner?: dinner
large party, or small party?: n/a
coffee or tea?: n/a
be 5 again, or 25?: stupid question
silence or pandemonium?:
lose your sense of taste, or your sense of touch?:
be blind or be deaf?:
this or that?:
tacos or burritos?:
be loved for who you aren't or hated for who you are?: both
wal mart or target?: walmart, target is generic
hollister or hot topic?:
snow or rain?: both
hate or love?: love
beach or mountains?: both
city or town?: both
What's your orientation?: lez
Are you single or taken?: single
Are you happy with that?: yea cause mo money n pockets/less problems
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: hell naw
Why did your last relationship fail?: yea
Who broke up with who?: went our own ways
How long did it last?: who cares
Do you have a crush on anyone?: no
How old were you when you got your first real kiss?: n/a
What is the furtherest you will go on a first date?: none of ur business
What style of clothing do you prefer in another person?: don't matter
Who was your first girlfriend/boyfriend?: ain't tellin
Have you ever been rejected?: yea
Have you ever rejected anybody?: yea
What is a major turn on?: personality
How about a turn off?: cheaters thats not gettin paid
Have you ever cheated on someone?: hell yea
Has anyone ever cheated on you?: yea
Have you ever lied about being hooked up?: yea
If you are in a relationship now, what song would you say describes it?:
Have you ever liked someone who didn't even notice you?: yea
Have you ever liked someone and never said anything?: yea
Have you ever really been in LOVE?: yea
Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it?: yea
Have you ever said, "I love you" and really meant it?: yea
Have you ever cried over a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yea
Ever been in an abusive relationship?: no
How far have you gone?: n/a
What is the best relationship you've been in?: not tellin
Why is/was it so good?:
What things are essential in a relationship?: understanding,trust,sex,etc
Does distance matter?: no
What is the age range you look for?: n/a
Does race matter?: n/a
What about religion?: n/a
What eye and hair colour do you prefer?: n/a
Would you take someone back who cheated on you?: depends
And lastly, and be honest, are looks more important than personality?: personality cause looks won't always get u far
I am: great
Love is: beautiful
I need: money,whateva good out of life
I hate: etc
I want to: smoke a blunt right now
I feel: im understandin
Why can't: life be easy
I know: how 2 accomplish my goals
I don't know: everything
President Bush is: a crock
High school: lifeskills center of Akron,ohio
My life:
When I was younger:
In ten years I see myself:
I wish:
I remember:
It frustrates me when:
I dream:
More this or that
crayons or markers?: both
sun or moon?: both
be a good dancer, or a good singer?: both
laugh or cry?: both
Born rich and die poor, or born poor and die rich?: n/a
left or right?: left
really hot with average intelligence, or really smart with average looks?: smart with average looks
Be told a lie to make you feel better or a truth that hurts?: truth that hurts
Answer TRUE/FALSE to these statements
I am a pessimist: false
I can draw/paint well: tru
I want/have a tattoo: tru
I love video games: tru
I am a morning person: false
I write on my hands/arms/legs:
I hate school: false
My favourite food is hamburgers:
I am Irish:
I am very competitive: true
I am a flirt: true
I love to swim:
I am extroverted:
I love taking surveys:
I am brave: true
I say exactly what I feel to whoever I want: true
I break laws:
I drink: true
I smoke: true
I love rainy days: true
I am a backseat driver:
I always have to have the last word: sometimes
I can make almost anyone cry:
I have a younger brother: true
I love fire:
I love gum.: true
I whistle a lot:
I try to annoy people.:
Who was your favourite teacher this year?:
Who was your least favourite teacher?:
Do you go on
Have you ever gotten a detention?: yea
What was it for?: everything bad
What class is the most boring?: math
What class is fourth period for you?:
Is the teacher nice?:
Do you pass notes?: yea
Does your school have a uniform?: yea at the time
Have you ever been suspended?: hell yea
Had sex in the bathroom?:
Smoked in the bathroom?: yea
Texted anyone during class?:
Called someone during class?: yea
Had your phone go off in the middle of class?:
Do you always do your homework?: no
Ever gotten an F?: yea
Or made the honor roll?: yea
Do you actually study for tests?: yea
Do you cut class often?: i have be4
More Relationship Ones
When fighting with a g/f or b/f do you give in easy?:
What is the shortest relationship you've been in?: don't know
How about the longest?: 5yrs
Is cheating ever acceptable?: no
How do you seperate love from lust?: ova datin a person a pd of time
Do you like things kinky?: yea
Has your current significant other seen you naked?:
Have you ever snuck out to meet someone?: yea
Have you ever written a love song/poem for someone?: yea
Did you give it to them?: yea
Have you ever recieved a rose?: yea
What songs remind you of an ex?: none of ur business
Has anyone ever written a song/poem for you?: yea
Have you ever sent a secret admiror note?: yea
Have you ever recieved one?: yea
If someone liked you now, how should they tell you?: be honest
Do you like the physical aspects of a relationship?: yea
How about the emotional?: maybe
Have you ever changed yourself so someone else would like you?:
type of music: anything good
food: plenty
colours: ble,orange,pink,blk
radio station:
word: fuck
school subject:
family member:
thing to do on a week end?:
day of the week?:
Do you talk in your sleep?:
Do you wear socks to bed?: no
Randy, Paula or Simon?:
Do you even watch American Idol?:
How about CSI?:
Have you ever dyed your hair?: yea
What colour?: varies its dyed right now
What is your current style?:
What styles have you been?:
Who do you hate?:
Do you honestly dance in the rain?:
How many people do you completely trust?:
Have you ever been pushed in a pool?: not many
Do you sing in the shower?:
Had random people honk their horns at you?: yea
Have you been called a whore/slut/manwhore?: hell naw
Has some stranger ever said that you are hot?: yea
Would you ever fight someone?: yea
Do you dance at dances or just sit there?: yea
Do you fight a lot?: use 2
Who with?:
Do you like baked goods?: yea
Do you like fairs/carnivals?:
What if one day you woke up and you were a spider?:
Have you ever sworn at your parents?: yea
Ever try to kill somebody?: yea
Been in jail?: yea
Do you wear pajamas in public?:
Do you have central air/heating in your house?:
Do you have pets?:
Do you have issues accepting reality?:
Are you on any medication? What is it?:
What's it for?:
Celebrities- love or hate?:
Why did you even bother getting out of bed today?:
Pick ten of your good friends:
Have you gone out with any of these people? Which ones?:
Would 6 and 7 make a good couple?:
Would you name a kid of yours after 3?:
Who is smarter, 2 or 8?:
Would 1 and 4 make a good couple?:
Where did you meet 9?:
Is 9 single?:
Describe the relationship between 1 and 5:
What is 3's favourite food?:
What stereotype does 2 most fall under?:
Who would win in a physical fight, 7 or 10?:
Is 4 shy?:
Has 8 ever hit on you?:
Has 3 met your parents?:
Is 6 a virgin?:
Who would win in a verbal fight, 5 or 8?:
Is 2 a good singer?:
Has 9 ever been in trouble with the cops?:
Who is crazier 4 or 7?:
Who smiles the most?:
Who's the most depressed?:
Most gothic?:
Most punk?:
Most ghetto?:
Most gangster?:
Most jockish?:
Most likely to become famous?:
What would you do if 1 came over and kissed you?:
Is 7 athletic?:
Describe 10 in three words:
who does 5 hate?:
Can 8 keep a secret?:
If you were told 6 was in jail, how would you react?:
If you had to chose one never to see or hear from again, who would it be?:
Does anyone on your 10 celebrate 4/20?:
What would you do if you woke up next to 6?:
If you could tell anything to 1 what would it be?:
Do you know any of 2's secrets?:
Which ones can you trust with everything?:
If 2 asked you out, and you were single, how would you react?:
What would you do if you saw 8 and 9 making out?:
What if 7 marched into your house and declared they loved you?:
What would you do if 4 spanked you?:
Is 5 single?:
Is 8 sexy?:
If 3 called you crying what would you do?:
Have you seen 2 cry?:
Final Questions
How does it feel to have reached the end?: about time this shit was so long, didn't have the patience 2 answer everthing
Guess you finally figured out Blues Clues right?:
Do you like apple pie?: yea, got some at home usually
Chocolate cake?:
Do you lie a lot?: no
Was that a lie?:
What colour is your underwear?:
Are you even wearing any?: yea, except when i gotta sleep
Ever went streaking?:
Are you a whore?: no
Is there anything else you have planned for today?:
How much are you worth?: every penny of someone's heart
Are you a camera whore?: maybe i do luv 2 get pic n my phone
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands:
Did you just clap your hands?:
Who could make your day even better now?:
Are you having issues right now?:
Do you need a break from life?:
Do you like cherry flavour things?:
Do you have a sick mind?:
Why is the world so hateful?:
Do you contribute?:
Do you speak any other languages?:
Is peace even possible?:
Ever forgotten your own name?:
When's the last time you went bowling?:
How about the last movie that scared you?:
If you could have anyone for a friend, who would it be?:
are you a lover or a fighter?: both
do you live in the past, present or future?:
are you going to have a good day today?:
Should I stop now?: yea
What is your nationality?: blk,indian,haition
What is this wasn't a rhetorical question?:
Do you like chili?:
Do you want to live in another country?:
Which one?:
Do you want to get married?: not no more 1asshole 2 many changed my mind
Have kids?: no
How many?:
Do you like Doritos?: my fav
First thing that comes to mind when I say
lemon: sour
cold: use 2 it
laugh: all the time
love: always
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who are career- minded,educated,versatile n many aspects,etc.

My Blog

A new me

Yesterday my mind was cloudy. I didnt see a clear vision. The world was cllin me 2 think, im missin something. My present is movin mountains. I got 2 give all credit 2 god. Jesus has given me peace. ...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 21:49:00 GMT


Within the last 2 1/2yrs so much has changed. this time last yr, it became all about me. Since then, my son has inspired me 2 be a better person. Every min of it is worth it. I've learnt people change...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 21:33:00 GMT

Hey ma

2day's a much better day than yesterday. the weather looks like shit outside but it still feels good out there. somehow the storm of the centry i thought i was goin through opened me up 2 brighte...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 23:49:00 GMT


its been 6days since ive came back home. alot has changed/ people are doin what they do best. anyhow now i don’t have as much pressure as be4. i can relax/ be mellow. the weather sucks its not t...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:53:00 GMT

my bday,high as a kite

hey what's good out there. 2day's my bday/ i really don't have anything planned but work. it really doesn't make a difference 2 call off cause, shit i can make the money/ kick rocks later. a...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:53:00 GMT

luv u always

  my past is behind me,this present is 2 find the tru me/maybe my future could be with u.i desire the burnin flame of some1 great. more than just a lover, but not a pretender. could that be u?whe...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 14:38:00 GMT


this is a new yr/ ima treat it better than last yr. so much was screwed cause i didn't treat it like a real bitch. no more folks gettin ova on me. relationships especially cause the last person i just...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:42:00 GMT