Errol profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

"They called me mad, I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me." Nathaniel Lee c. 1653-92: R. Porter "A Social History of Madness" (1987) ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------Words don't really do justice to a summarization of the being that is me, but here goes.... I'm intelligent, charismatic, and lazy unless something catches my interest. If I were young and black, I'd be the kid from the Boondocks Sunday comic, but then I wouldn't see the humor in music like RAHOWA and Skrewdriver... I think this is the final millenia of human existence, but I recycle anyways. I support groups like the Sierra Club, the ACLU, the NRDC, Public Citizen, True Majority, the Green Party, Amnesty International, and so forth, by giving them a little extra $$$ when I can and signing their petitions. I hate George W. Bush, his dad, and his dad's dad. And his father's brother's nephew's former roommate. I voted for Nader. btw: if it says I'm on-line, that doesn't mean anything. I have a cable connection and I forget to log out of here alot.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody that's true to who they are. Girls that watch The Daily Show. People to go to Burning Man with. Tree huggers, punk rockers, hippies, Green Party members, and anybody else that's good at heart. (I don't remember when I started sounding like such a hippie....)

My Blog

wisdom jotted on a note by a spun guy

A skewed view of the World at Large We aspire to achieve materialistic riches, And ignore our inner desires and wishes, While we deceieve ourselves and each other, About having no other, meaning ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jun 2004 20:43:00 GMT

an email I sent to some of my friends (full o' good quotes and anti-Bush info)

This is an e-mail I sent to my friends.  We send political e-mails back and forth from time to time.  I pissed away over 2 hours on this, so I figured I'd post it here on MySpace for ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jun 2004 18:54:00 GMT


I have a cable connection so I find myself pissing away a decent amount of time on this thing. Who are all you people that look at my profile constantly? And why don't you drop me a line??? I love loo...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jun 2004 10:21:00 GMT

Burning Man

Who's down for Burning Man 2004?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  Come on ya bitches!!!
Posted by on Thu, 27 May 2004 12:43:00 GMT

Fuck Dave Chappelle

I'M GONNA BE RICH, bee-otch. BTW: Don't watch anything besides Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, History Channel (only WW II stuff), and Fox, EVER. Cuddle w/ a loved one and watch a snuff film instea...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:24:00 GMT

ton o' info

:x: name = Errol Kenneth McPherson-Higdon :x: piercings = the left ear used to be, but it healed up during this last stint in jail :x: tattoos = skull w/ a dagger through it on my left forearm :x: ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Apr 2004 14:51:00 GMT

If I could be anything/anyone:

I think I'd like to be a giant block of pink tofu that walks around with a knife and speaks only in Japanese.
Posted by on Mon, 12 Apr 2004 14:08:00 GMT