Jen profile picture


Camaron que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente

About Me

[I am currently in love so no romantic emails please]I am taurus-fire-snake. I love cooking, films, short and long traveling, and fighting for justice. blah, blah, blah. I am not american, by the way.

My Interests

spices, bilingual people, change of plans, allergy pills, finding good films I have not seen, yeah, I have seen it all I have seen the willow I have seen ... all walls are great if the roof does not faaall...

I'd like to meet:

Psycoanalists, documentary filmmakers, people in the independent news industry, doctors, social justice activist, immigrant rights supporters; excellent cooks. Also, someone that would like to take us on a sailboat ride in the Puget Sound.


Lila Downs, Jessy Sykes, Jollie Holland, Nina Simone, Sparklehorse, Iron & Wine, Mountain Goats, Court & Sparke, Silvio Rodriguez, Tigres del Norte, Chayito Valdez


Brainiac, El Santo, anything with Javier Bardem or made by Werner Herzog. Most of Woody Allen stuff. Classics like Bun~uel and Fellini. Of course, Borat and Strangers with Candy.


Colbert Report South Park South of Nowhere L Word


Persepolis; Perfume; Nieve; Karl Jung, Laura Restrepo, Kundera, Cortazar, Borges, Coehlo, Garcia Marquez, Women who Run with the Wolves; ...


survivors of racism and bigotry

My Blog

tiny towns in eastern bolivia

(Edited in 11/2006 for respect to mi esposo)Friday, July 04, 2003San Ignacio de Velasco, Chiquitania, Bolivia"fuck face" [addresse pseudonim]it has been amazing. you would really love in here. toda...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ex-house rules

HOMEOWNER ADDITIONAL RULES (from my previous crazy landlady in Wallingford- Seattle, WA) Privacy 1. Unauthorized overnight occupants will pay $10 per night 2. No lock on personal bedroom doo...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Giving up

(traducido/translated) Santa Maria de Yotau, Guarayos, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Martes 15 de julio de 2003 Hello / Hola Pues de verdad traté pero fue muy dificil vivir en la choza. Tenia que...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


spanish / english Santa María de Yotau, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Viernes 11 de Julio 2003. Hola a todos! /HELLO EVERYONE! tratare de hacer traduccion fiel / I WILL TRY A "loyal" TRANSLATION...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Jennie, Cuento No.1 Enero 1999. Déjame contarte que ayer estaba profundamente dormida, cuando entre sueños escuché timbrar el teléfono (y como lo tengo a 20 centímetros de la mano derecha y co...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Usted llore.

cuento no. 5 Jennie Marzo 08, 1999. La muerte siempre me ha intrigado. De niña me impresionaban los velorios. Pensaba que si el pobre muerto pudiera evitar todo el espectáculo desatado allí...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Avioneta en la amazona

Trinidad, El Beni, Bolivia Domingo 24 de Agosto de 2003. Hola Hola! estoy en Trini, una ciudad tipo Mochis en otro estado de Bolivia. Estamos haciendo tiempo para la salida de la flota (...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

La ciudad del beso

Guadalajara, Jalisco Marzo 1999 Por más que trato, no logro acordarme del mes, pero eso sí, hacía muchísimo calor. El noreste del país siempre es un horno (así que eso de muchísimo calor no in...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

something called "milky way"

Santa Maria de Yotau, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Domingo 27 de Julio de 2003. Querida TiaMo, thank you for your emilio. (that is how my granfather calls emails). i have lots of notes and i think i can...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

no more personalized emails

Tuesday, July 08, 2003 1:02 PM mas y mas y mas bolivia Querido Marvin, here is your personal e-mail. enjoy it. i am sorry but you have no idea how things are here so it is good to get out ...
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST