controlled anarchism
Manic Street Preachers - The Love of Richard Nixon
mainly rock music, but anything good can come
The Beatles, The Doors, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Kate Nash, Metric, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Franz Ferdinand, The Decemberists, Arctic Monkeys, Joy Division, Oasis, Muse, Radio 4, Pulp, Gorillaz, Tenacious D, The Stone Roses, Placebo, Kasabian, Scatman John:P IstenHátaMögött, Kispál és a Borz, Ülleoi Úti Fuck, Balaton, Kaukázus, Live Large, Esti Kornél :)
Once Upon A Time In The West (+other films by Leone), The Ballad of Jack and Rose, Apocalypse Now, The Maltese Falcon, Dom za vesanje, Trainspotting, 28 Days Later series, Rosemary's baby, Pink Floyd The Wall, 300, School of Rock, Oldboy, I Am Sam, There Will Be Blood, Stay, films by Ingmar Bergman, Stanley Kubrick, Luis Bunuel, Woody Allen, Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Ethan & Joel Coen, Huszárik Zoltán, Fábri Zoltán
Batman: The Animated Series, The Adventures of Pete & Pete, Daria, Alternative Nation, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Carnivà le, ИДІОТЪ, Band of Brothers, 12 oz. Mouse, Dexter, Shin Chan, デスノート
George Orwell, Albert Camus, Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson, Anton Csehov, Franz Kafka, Guillaume Apollinaire, Pilinszky János, Krúdy Gyula, Csáth Géza, Kassák Lajos, Paradise Lost by John Milton, Faust by Goethe, Az ember tragédiája by Madách Imre, The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley, МоÑква-Петушки by Venedikt Jerofejev, A veréb századik lépése by Bólyai Péter, Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel, G6H6 by Alföldy Bálint, Life with Picasso by Françoise Gilot
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