Suomen Talvisota 1939-1940 was a provocative Finnish rock band in the years 1969 and 1970. Their only album is called Underground-Rock. Lyrics for the band were provided under pseudonyms by M.A. Numminen and the Turku poets Markku Into (under the pseudonym Taannehtiva Seuralainen) and Jarkko Laine (under the pseudonym Lauri Kenttä, a reference to Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent). The name of the band literally means "The Finnish Winter War 1939-1940".
(From Wikipedia)
I recommend this page about Suomen Talvisota 1939-1940 for further information about the band, lyrics, etc.
Please note: This Profile is done by just a fan. I don't have contact to any of the former Band-Members, dead or alive. Also important: I don't speak finnish very well. ;)
Smashing Porcelina