Madonne Clandestine per Roma
WeAreCircles are a group of people from different countries and coming from different artistic backrounds: a painter, a photographer, an actor, an art historian, a film maker, a writer.
The CIRCLE is a fundamental symbolic element in our work. Inside of the psychological circle we find shelter and a place to exchange experiences and experiment. The inspiration from each of us echoes inside the circle and reaches the imagination of all the others and becomes transformed.
Each final idea in this process is, therefore, totally collective and no more attributable to a single one or to a particular artistic discipline.
The Madonnas without VISA was the first artistic action in Rome. It came about as a result of several meetings and discussions on the cohabitation of different cultures in our towns. It’s a concept born primarily by our reaction to the the news medias attempt to create fear and distrust between the public and the Rom community.
The gypsy Madonnas, illegal and without documents, appeared close to shrines of the Virgin in the streets of Rome, to show that every one deserves shares a divinity and can be a beautiful human being without being a legal citizen.
The gypsy Madonnas, then, travelled underground in Paris’ subway at the very same time which a gypsy camp in the banlieue was being moved out. The Madonnas were looking for ID photo machines to apply for new and regular documents.
Meantime the gypsy Madonna and her kid tore from the red wall in piazza del Biscione in Rome reappeared in Dublin among the knees of James Joyce’s statue, as a symbol of their exile, their everyday urban odyssey.