~][**P0r$hi4 K. Bry4nt**][~ profile picture

~][**P0r$hi4 K. Bry4nt**][~

Gr3g & P0r$hi4 Alwayz&4ev4...While Y0u Bitches Talkin', I'll Be Hata Walkin!!!

About Me

Khia-Hata Walk Khia-Hata Walk Khia-Hata Walk Khia-Hata WalkWhile Y0u Bitches Talkin...I Be Hata Walkin...
All Ab0ut Da Imfam0us Ge0rgi4 Pe4ch!!!
+G0t P0rshia Bry4nt 0n Mah Birth Certificate
+They Kall Me P0-P0, P0rkch0p, K00l-AiD, Kl0wn, 0r LaP0rshi4 (Mah H0mie D0nna Made Dat Up)
+1st Felt My Mama'z Armz 0n June 20, 1989
+I'm A Gemini
+17 l0vely Yearz 0f Livin
+B0rn & Raised In Albany,GA
+Residin In Albany, GA
+A Seni0r At West0ver High Sch00l (c/0 '07 Baby)
100% Afr0-American
100% Chica
+I Am Currently & 4eva Taken By My 0ne & 0nly BabiB0i...Greg Acree
+I'm An Energetic, Independent, High-Spirted, Friendly, Real, H0nest, Chill, C00l, Nice, Understanding, Funny, G00fy Person
+I D0n't Like Fake, Lying People ...I D0n't Wit Da Funny Type
+I Enj0y My Baby, Greg (l0l!!), Chillin, Hangin-0ut wit mah H0miez & Fam, Partyin, Gettin Crunk, Listnenin t0 Music, Watchin TV, Writin P0etry & S0ngz, Playin Ball, and Runnin'
+Any Questi0nz hit me up~~~~[email protected] or [email protected]
+I Wuz The Assistant Secti0n Leader in my Senior Year (Sh0ut0ut T0 Mah H0mie T.T....Da Secti0n Leader holdin it d0wn) F0r Dem Clarinets 0f Dem Crunk Ass West0ver High Marching Patri0ts
+I Played Ball F0r Th0se B0mb Ass Lady Pats For 2 Years 0f Being A Patri0t (Sh0ut0uts T0 T0ri, Tia, Quan, J.J., D0minique, Kendra, and All Dem Utha Lady Ballaz H0ldin It D0wn At WHS)
+I Thr0w Da Discus (2006 Regi0n Champ) & Sh0tput (2006 3rd Place Winner 0f The State) F0r Dem Patri0ts
+I was v0ted Klazz Kl0wn by the c/0 '07 (The Real Last Crunk Class)
+I L0ve Pixar m0vies!! "Chicken Little & Happy Feet" are my favorite 0nes...l0l!!
+I L0VE watchin' Family Guy
+I Am A Military Brat
+I Am An H0n0r Graduate 0f West0ver High's Class 0f '07
+I Am A Presidenti4l Sch0lar 0f F0rt Valley State University
+I've lived in Mississippi, Japan, and Italy (twice)
+I've been t0 Spain, Greece, Germany, Korea, Hawaii, and The Islands
+I'm A T0mb0y
+I Make Pe0ple Laugh And L0ve D0in' It
+I Can C00k
+I HATE Drama
+I HATE when niggas try t0 h0lla at y0u they either whistle 0r hiss..I Ain't N0 Damn D0g!!!
+I HATE that Niggaz l00k at my ass bef0re they l00k my face!!!
+I L0VE Chicken
+My #1 Id0l Is Missy Elli0t
+My Fav0rite Rappers are T.I. and Kanye West
+My Favorite Singers Are Anthony Hamilton & Alicia Keys
+My Fav0rite Actress Is Angela Bassett
+My 4 Cl0se Frenz Are La'Quan Harvey, J0nathan Simm0ns, Sean Hatcher, and Greg Acree (Mah Baby) Donna and Samantha Richardson, Antionette Wilkerson, Jalisa Sumbry, Almaria Shelton, Lisa Edwards, Alicia Sh0rter, Alexandria Allen, and Lariel Edm0nds
What The Future H0lds F0r Me
Well I'm g0ing T0 walk acr0ss that stage in my white cap and gown t0 get my dipl0ma fr0m West0ver High Sch00l on May 19, 2007. I will be attendingF0rt Valley State University as a Presidential Sch0lar. I am g0ing t0 major in Music or Mass Communications and pledge in that Delta Sigma Theta S0r0rity, Inc!!!!! I am also g0ing t0 be a clarinet player in the "Marching Wildcats"(that's the FVSU Marching Band f0r all y0u dumbasses)!! While I'm in high sch00l I am h0ping and praying that I also get a band sch0larship, basketball sch0larship, a track sch0larship, and m0st importantly, an Academic Scholarship t0 help me get t0 c0llege. When I d0 graduate fr0m FVSU, I'm g0ing t0 attend Full Sail Real W0rld C0llege in Orland0 t0 complete my Master's in Music Pr0ducti0n. Yes, I want t0 be a music pr0ducer because music is my first l0ve and if I c0uld marry it, I w0uld (I'm dead ass seri0us)!!! When I complete my education, I will be a music producer and a song writer f0r S0 S0 Def Rec0rdings In Atlanta, GA...h0pefully I can start my 0wn rec0rd c0mpany under S0 S0 Def!!!
6 Qu0tes T0 My Guidance
+I Can All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me (Phillipians 4:13)
+Th0u Shall N0t Envy (Mah Sista Taught Me That It's Unnecessary to want what others have)
+An Unexamined Life Is N0t W0rth Living
+Imitation is Suicide (Always Be Y0URSELF and n0b0dy else)
+Life Is Like A Dick..When It Gets Hard, Fuck It
+The Past Is Hist0ry, The Future Is A Mystery...N0w Is A Gift, That's Why It's Called The Present
+Pimpin Ain't Easy, But It Sure Is Fun...lol!!!
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My Interests

Greg 89% Compatible Porshia and Greg have been romantically-together for awhile now, indicating a degree of compatibility. Similar personality descriptions are a plus. The religious faith they share may help to form a bond. They both abstain from drinking, so that helps compatibility. The fact that the two hold different political beliefs may be a sore spot. Furthermore, their astrological signs are not in harmony. They share a favorite season, and that is good. And their views on children are similar. The fact that both Porshia and Greg are somewhat dominant reduces compatibility, as opposites in this area attract. Overall, Porshia and Greg are highly compatible. They are capable of having a beautiful relationship together.

Take the Dating Compatibility Test

I'd like to meet:

Pe0ple That Make Me Wh0 I Am 0NYA J0NES aka 50 ..lol!! I kn0w she ain't fr0m Albany but I jus g0tta put my big sista at da top of the list cuz she has been there f0r me since day 0ne. When I m0ved, it was real hard cuz I didn't wanna leave a pers0n dat cared ab0ut me s0 much dat I didnt really care if anyb0dy else didn't care ab0ut y0u. She sh0wed me h0w a real sister is like and i l0ve her d0 much f0r dat. With0ut her I d0n't kn0w what or where I w0uld be. She's like my guardian angel sent fr0m G0d and I g0t her back just like she has mine...I L0VE Y0U, 0NYA!! D0N'T F0RGET DAT!!!

LaQuan Harvey aka Quan Me and dis girl didnt like each other at first...well, she didnt like me. But a funny situation happened and we got close. Dis is my ace right here fo reel. I aint gon say we been through alot together cuz we aint been through dat much...we aint really had n0 severe argument (d0n't get me wr0ng, we've had c0uple). But this was my first REAL best friend dat I g0t when i came back t0 Albany. She helps me with a l0t 0f shit and i thank G0d everyday dat i have her in my life t0 keep me up. I g0t her back and she g0t mine...FUCK WIT HER, FUCK WIT ME..RIDE 0R DIE!! I L0VE Y0U T0 DEATH GIRL!!!

Delissa Edwards aka Lisa ..Mah big h0mie dats 0ld en0ugh t0 be mah mama...l0l!!! I'm jus playin. When I first SAW Lisa, I d0n't think dat she liked me cuz she was l00kin mean as hell. But I g0 t0 kn0w her and we tight as hell...i be feelin g00d whenever i see her laughin at me cuz i kn0w dat i'm capable 0f makin a mean ass girl laugh...naw, i'm playin...i kn0w dat i can cheer her up. But dis mah dawg f0r lyfe th0ugh and i l0ve her t0 death...keep y ahead up pipmin...L0VE Y0U LISA!!!

Lariel aka La-Rell This is like my big lil sister too. She younger than me but she bigger than me. She be bullyin be too cuz she always beat me up just like her sister do (LaQuan) But I still love her though. I look out for her just like i do everybody else i care about. If you fuck wit her, you definately dealin wit me, but dats not da worst part. Da worst part is you gotta deal wit LaQuan first...but you prolly gotta deal wit Le-Le before her (her baby sistah...dat girl will go buck wild on you fo reel) But I love Lariel to death and she know dat I know. Stay Str0ng Girl!!!

Kieth Shelt0n aka Shelt ...my h0meb0y, my crunk p0tna, and my br0tha. He was my first REAL male BEST friend when i g0t back t0 Albany. When i first met him, i th0ught he was crazy as hell (he still is), but n0w dat he is my br0tha, we b0th crazy as hell. Me and him will act 0ut all 0f the Madea plays if we wanted t0!! But i l0ve this b0y t0 death and i think with0ut him i w0uldn't be my fun, energetic self. I L0VE Y0U KIETH!!

RASHAAD "BIG B00TY" CLARK Damn I L0ve dis b0y t0 death. He is h0nestly da light 0f my day. He makes me laugh by sayin s0me 0f da stupidest stuff and d0in s0me 0f da stupidest stuff. And can't f0rget his m0st important asset....his ass!!! He has da biggest ass for a boy and I l0ve it. And dis is my grindin partner when I k0mes t0 da dance fl00r. F0r all da pe0ple wh0 was there (Charl0tte's Party)...they kn0w what da deal is...lol!!! But I L0VE Y0U SHAAD...AND Y0U BETTA BELIEVE DAT I'M G0N SEE Y0U AGEN!!!

TARA BRUT0N AKA BABY SISTAH ....Y0u kn0w y0u is in l0ve wit s0me B0w W0w...lol!!! but girl, y0u kn0w y0u is 0ne 0f my crazy fav0rites. Y0u will g0 buck wild 0n a niggah when y0u have t0. I remember when me and y0u w0uld jus sit and reminisce and talk ab0ut anything...even stupid shyt!! Man dem was s0me g00d ass time. It d0n't even seemed it lasted dat l0ng. But y0u had my back when i needed y0u da m0st and y0u kn0w dat I have y0urs. I L0VE Y0U GIRL....STAY SWEET!!!!
I'KIESHA WILLIAMS (IKE WILLIAMS BITCH) M0mma, Friend, Cuzzin, wuteva y0u wanna kall her!! Dis chik right here d0n't take n0 shyt. She l00k like it t00. 0ne 0f her fam0us lines during marching band... "All dis talkin' and shyt dat ya'll d0ing, all dis shyt is uncalled f0r!!!" lol!! She was an0ther pers0n I met when i first came t0 West0ver. Then we g0t cl0se when I started d0in her myspace pages and lettin her h0ld my camera..lol!! But she still my dawg th0ugh and f0reva will be...The Clarinets Ain't G0n Be The Same With0ut Y0u..I L0VE Y0U!!!



Baby Boy Da Prince
The Way I Live
FreeMusicCodes Provided By SomeCodes.comG e 0 r g i 4 P e 4 c h K l 4 z z K l 0 w n K 0 0 l 4 i D Q u 3 3 n G e 0 r g i 4 P e 4 c h K l 4 z z K l 0 w n K 0 0 l 4 i D u 3 3 n G e 0 r g i 4 P e 4 c h K l 4 z z K l 0 w n K 0 0 l 4 i D Q u 3 3 n Click here to make Falling Objects G e 0 r g i 4 P e 4 c h K l 4 z z K l 0 w n K 0 0 l 4 i D Q u 3 3 n G e 0 r g i 4 P e 4 c h K l 4 z z K l 0 w n K 0 0 l 4 i D Q u 3 3 n G e 0 r g i 4 P e 4 c h K l 4 z z K l 0 w n K 0 0 l 4 i D Q u 3 3 n G e 0 r g i 4 P e 4 c h K l 4 z z K l 0 w n K 0 0 L 4 i D Q u 3 3 n G e 0 r g i 4 P e 4 c h K l 4 z z K l 0 w n K 0 0 l 4 i D Q u 3 3 n


My Dad and My M0m f0r putting me on this earth to be the person that I am

My Blog

The Westover Lady Patriots

Only the beginning Westover's girls are used to strong starts to the season, but thisyear the Lady Patriots are focused on finishing the job. Colin Chmielewski ALBANY  Every year, it has been the ...
Posted by ~][**P0r$hi4 K. Bry4nt**][~ on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:36:00 PST

My Seni0r Year Prayer

Lord, I want to thank you this morning for allowing me to live to see my senior year. Thank you putting obstacles in my way and giving me the strength to overcome them. For i realize that you allow me...
Posted by ~][**P0r$hi4 K. Bry4nt**][~ on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 10:38:00 PST