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About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorLet meH teLL u a LiL' bOUt mYseLf...i waZ boRn n raisEd heA iN caLi iN tHe gReaT O.C...(oRaNge CoUnTy)...mY coUsiNs' N hOmiEs caLL meH "gHettO" foH aLL tHe stUpiD sHieT i bE dOiN'..hehe..i LikE chiLLiN' wiT mY bOiz n gUrLz oUt tHurR, yaLL kNo' wHo u aRe, n mOsT oF aLL..."staaaaaY HIGH"...yaKatOi yaKatOi yaKatOitOI...hmm, wAtz eLsE iS tHerR tO kNoe aBouT mE?!..hMM, fUck iT!..i JUst "LoVe" ChRoNiC!..aiGhT tHaT aBouT iT!..

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I'd like to meet:

BoB MarLeY..n Da BoNe ThuGz N HaRmOnY

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