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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

My Name is Crystle, I am Crazy in Love with Danny, I love Him with all my heart. He means everything to me. Nothing or no one is gonna come between us. I love being his one and only, everytime Im with him all i do is smile..eVeRyOne sAys "WhY dO u LoVe HiM"?bUt iT*s oK.i dOn*T wAnT tHeM tO uNdeRsTaNd, CuZ tHeN tHeY wOuLd LoVe HiM tO, eVeN tHoUgH nO oNe cOuLD LoVe HiM..nEaRLy aS mUcH aS i d0

My Interests

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