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It is the whole of life that becomes determining. All the varied productions of the past -- art, philosophy, science -- are fragments. They are elements of the vast despoliation of human beings as well as attempts to remedy it. But the point is no longer to realize art or philosophy; capital has already done this in its way; the point is to conquer and create another world : a world where all the biological potentialities of the species can finally develop. In this vast movement, it is futile to want to present oneself as the repository of truth. First of all truth, like value, needs a measure, a standard, a general equivalent, a norm, hence a State. Secondly, truth is never more than one truth. The historical inflation of this concept parallels the ever more thorough destruction of human beings. Nothing less can be proposed than another life where the gestures, the words, the imaginations and all the feelings of human beings will no longer be chained, where senses and brain will unite -- only this union can eliminate all the fixations of madness. It is obvious that all this can only be conquered by the destruction of the capitalist mode of production. It is all of humanity perceived through time that is hostile to capital. Human beings will have to undergo a profound revolutionization to be able to oppose capital; the actions of this movement are accompanied by the production of revolutionaries.Jacques Camatte THE WANDERING OF HUMANITY --------------------------------Now, what instruments do we have to combat this state of affairs? They want to control us? So we refuse control. Of course we can do this. We undoubtedly do, trying to minimize the damage. But to refuse control in a social context is only valid up to a point. We can circumscribe certain aspects of it, yell when we are struck unfairly; but there are clearly certain areas of power where rules are called laws, signposts indicate enclosures and men calling themselves policemen prevent us from entering. There is no doubt about it, try' getting into Parliament and see what happens.The Anarchist Tension Alfredo M. Bonanno ----------------------------------Along these lines, in terms of structure, it is evident that "freedom of speech" does not exist; grammar is the invisible "thought control" of our invisible prison. With language we have already accomodated ourselves to a world of unfreedom.Language: Origin and Meaning John Zerzan ----------------------------------------------------"(We) will never be rid of God so long as we still believe in grammar"Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Twilight of the Idols, Ch. 2 -------------------------------------------------The defense of community is a conservative gesture that faces away from the radical break required. Why defend that to which we are held hostage? In truth, there is no community. And only by abandoning what is passed off in its name can we move on to redeem a vision of communion and vibrant connectedness in a world that bears no resemblance to this one. Only a negative "community," based explicitly on contempt for the categories of existent community, is legitimate and appropriate to our aims.John Zerzan COMMUNITY ---------------------------------------------------In the context of a mauled social life that demands the drastic as a minimum response toward health, niceism becomes more and more infantile, conformist and dangerous. It cannot grant joy, only more routine and isolation. The pleasure of authenticity exists only against the grain of society. Niceism keeps us all in our places, confusedly reproducing all that we supposedly abhor. Let's stop being nice to this nightmare and all who would keep us in it.John Zerzan NICEISM ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------In effect, chaos is life. All mess, all riot of color, all protoplasmic urgency, all movementis chaos. From this point of view, Order appears as death, cessation, crystallization, alien science "Chaos never died." Any form of "order" which we have not imagined and produced directly and spontaneously in sheer "existential freedom" for our own celebratory purposesis an illusion. Nomadism, and the Uprising, provide us with possible models for an "everyday life" of Ontological Anarchy.Hakim Bey Ontological Anarchy in a Nutshell --------------------------------------------------------Ther e is no certainty. There is to the best of my knowledge no historical law that will lead us automatically to the society of the free and equal. Those with deep scientific insight into historical materialism will tell us a different story, a story of certainty. For those, however, who doubt teleological historical laws, the achievement of the society of the free and equal will depend on the sincere and honest struggle against capital and its state. There is no certainty. To speak about revolution is to embrace uncertainty. Certainty and predictability belongs to capitalism. It depends on making certain, as a resource, and predictable, as a factor of production, our living labour power. Our struggle against capital and its state is the struggle against certainty, a struggle of uncertainty, but a struggle that anticipates in its organisational means a certain goal: human dignity.Uncertainty and Social Autonomy Werner Bonefeld ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------What, then, are these necessities? And above all, is a new strategy necessary? If it is necessary, then one of the most urgent tasks in the struggle is to discover it, to assemble it and to elaborate it. At the level -of science there is no other task than this to be carried out. Formidable and new powers of the intellect must be organised around this work. Powerful brains must begin to function collectively within this single, exclusive perspective. A new form of antagonism must instill itself in working class science, bending this science towards new ends, and then transcending it in the totally political act of practice. The form we refer to is the form of the struggle of refusal, the form of organisation of the working class "No": the refusal to collaborate actively in capitalist development, the refusal to put forward positively programme of demands. In the working class history of capital, it is possible to discover the germ of these forms of struggle and organisation right from the very start, right from the time that the first proletarians were constituted as a class.THE STRATEGY OF THE REFUSAL Mario Tronti ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------Everyday life, policed and mystified by every means, is a sort of reservation for good natives who keep modern society running without understanding it--this society with its rapid growth of technological powers and the forced expansion of its market. History--the transformation of reality--cannot presently be used in everyday life because the people of everyday life are the product of a history over which they have no control. It is of course they themselves who make this history, but not freelyThe critique and perpetual re-creation of the totality of everyday life, before being carried out naturally by all people, must be under taken in the present conditions of oppression, in order to destroy these conditionsPerspectives for Conscious Alterations in Everyday Life by Guy-Ernest Debord ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------1. We have different political perspectives, we have different ideas about political practice and organisation and perhaps also about the sort of society we would like to create. What do we have in common? NO. Our NO to existing society. That is not something small and insignificant. Our NO is an anger, a fury, a profound conviction that unites us. NO to neo-liberalism, NO to capitalism, NO to war, NO to the destruction of humanity. Our NO must be the starting point for thinking about alliances. 2. This is a very urgent NO. We are lemmings rushing towards a cliff. Humanity is on a highway that leads straight to its own self-destruction. The self-annihilation of humanity becomes a more real possibility every day: through war, through the destruction of the environment, through the misery and poverty and disease and starvation and violence created by neo-liberalism. The only possibility is to say NO, to refuse: No, we will not go down this highway to our self-destruction. Not we should go more carefully, or more slowly, or we should drive on the left rather than on the right, but simply NO.The question of revolution then is not how do we destroy capitalism, but how do we stop creating capitalism? This does not solve the problems, but it gives us a different way of thinking about changing the world.Stop making Capitalism John Holloway ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------Hurry comrade, shoot the policeman, the judge, the boss. Now; before a new police prevents you. Hurry to say No, before the new repression convinces you that saying no is pointless, mad, and that you should accept the hospitality of the mental asylum. Hurry to attack capital before a new ideology makes it sacred to you. Hurry to refuse work before some new sophist tells you yet again that "work makes you free." Hurry to play.Hurry to arm yourself.Alfredo M. Bonanno Armed Joy 1977

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Member Since: 18/09/2005
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Sounds Like: war is terrorism with a bigger budget
Record Label: unlabelled
Type of Label: Indie

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recordings to date...

01Anti-Music Collaborator - CapitalistSolution-Time Plight(2004)02Anti-Music Collaborator - Minimalist Absurdism(July 2005)03Extramorph Meets Anti-Music Collaborator(July 17,2005)04Extramorph & Anti-M...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 06:06:00 GMT


put a track up that was too large for myspace to handle here:
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 17:18:00 GMT