absurdity, music, sociology, anthropology, theology
Eccentrics and Non-conformists. People who listen without judging. If you have been added to this page it's because I've already met you and consider you a friend or someone of great friend potential and want to keep in touch. Lets put it this way. If you can not recollect a time when we have spoke face to face, don't ask to be added.
Most of it. I'll listen to anything ONCE. I usualy prefer Metal, Blues, Jazz and classic rock. Frank Zappa, Tom Waits, Humble Pie, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Slayer
Do you ever just like to be alone with your own thoughts? It seems our society is very focused on keeping entertained or distracted in some fashion or another. Every thing from having our imaginations surplanted and spoon fed to us by TV and movies to endless new ways to always be connected. MP3 players and video Ipods, cellphones w/ a zillion features, more and more portable storage, videogames, tv's in the headrests of mini vans ect.
What do you do that comes from within your own head?how much external stimulation do you really need?
As corny as it may sound to some, I believe there needs to be a major shift in the things we choose to reward with our attention. It seems that everyone these days will do anything no matter how sleazy to get their 15 minutes. If the media had a focus of positivity and we as consumers were not so quick to support by accepting the negative shit alot could change. Our tolerance, exploitation and apathy of and towards greed and all the sick shit individuals, governments and corporations do only encourages more of the same.
Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Paluhniuk, Dean Koontz, Charles Bukowski, Daniel Quinn
My Mom and Dad, Tom Waits, Alan Lomax, Kurt Vonnegut, Frank Zappa, Sam Dunn, Miles Davis, those that make their own way in this world despite the naysaying and disapproval of others.