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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Greetings! My name is Arno STROBL, and I'm living between France and Belgium (I should be living full time in Belgium ASAP).
I'm singing in a band called CARNIVAL IN COAL, which released four albums so far. You may listen to some of our songs by clicking on the 2nd link of my TOP 8. (The first one being my lovely girlfriend hahaha)
I used to be a free lancer for France's biggest metal magazine HARD N'HEAVY (which is linked below too).
Feel free to leave a comment, send me a message or whatever you want... except advertising, which will be deleted ! Remember it's a "place for friends", not a place for ads ;)

My Interests

Music, cooking, automobile design, rare tropical daffodils species.


I'll edit that one soon... Must take a long page to sum up my taste. Enjoy my "SONG OF THE DAY" (that I will change every day, it speaks by itself), chosen among the numerous bands and styles I like.


...and tons more...


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Wicked idiots in general.