Random Acts profile picture

Random Acts

About Me

Random Acts were born of (and owe everything to) punk music of all descriptions, worldwide. Starting out as a cover band, the band were adored at first because they played catchy singalong pop-punk songs but later condemned because they played catchy singalong pop-punk songs. After a few necessary line-up changes, Random Acts soon found themselves more comfortable writing tunes that stretched the tiny pigeonhole they had spent the whole time trying to escape. With a new understanding of what they were capable of and the self esteem that came with it, the band became able to hold their own as a strong influence in their local scene. Spreading their influence to shows in major cities in their home country of Scotland, the band are now trying harder than ever to show the world what they have to offer.MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


Member Since: 18/09/2005
Band Website: http://xsorbit27.com/users5/randomacts/index.php2
Band Members:
Influences: We at Random Acts are influenced by all that we hear... This doesnt mean we actually sound like any of it but it does influence us all in some way...Drawing on the good stuff means that we become much better than most folk... Conversely, the bad stuff brings us down to a normal level of awesomeness... Ergo, if we were to rock out in nirvana (not the band), we'd be the most unstoppable punkrock force imaginable... As it is, we're just shit hot...
Sounds Like: dunno, decide for yourself like...
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

the band status - we RA not dead...

so yeah, what's everyone doin on the 8th day of advent? well you should get your skag-bag slut-ass down to the comm centre and watch the triumphant return of random acts!!!! and im sure its for like a...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:21:00 GMT

RAllyin the troops! (saRAh adams is a legend)

FALL OUT BOYYYYY! fuck yeah... those guys are legendary! so me p and blunt went to see them last night at the corn exchange in edinburgh... it was pretty much awesome... we were chillin with dan and e...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 03:35:00 GMT

cameRA in my tummy! :(

fuck... yeah... so they're puttin a camera in my stomach tomorrow like in that episode of futurama but they're goin through my throat... which i suppooooose is better but still... yeah, so i cant eat ...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 00:25:00 GMT

we RA so bad at running a myspace account...

man i had this total great idea for a website n if someone could make it i'd be well impressed... i'd like do it myself but you all know how we at random acts are with setting goals and sticking to th...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 13:20:00 GMT

"RA they ever gonna finish those tracks...?"

every fuckin time i hear a blink song or see a blink video or i see one of those live rips on youtube, it totally reminds me why im in a band... so yeah... it's their fault you cant go to a decent gig...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:23:00 GMT

hip! hip! RA!!!

haaaaahahaha... no really... we'll totally get the podcast up... i'm past givin you guys a time limit for us to get it up (you're all much smarter than that - apart from cammie) but we'll totally...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 19:32:00 GMT

RA Update

Hi this is Bluntman from RA this is my first blog thingy, but fuck it, if Billy can make one then an untrained, mentally "Special" bear/monkey cross breed could do it!.So we just put on a sh...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 16:21:00 GMT

m(RA) xxxmas...

Hey everybody... well it's half one and officially christmas day... this is the first time ever ive been up after my parents on christmas eve - i had loads of wrapping to do and stuff - and i have to ...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 01:41:00 GMT

"Random Acts - It's the best we can do..."

Evenin all, i just typed one of these out and made that schoolboy error of previewing it then clicking back... sigh... anyway i thought i'd let you all know what's going on at the RA camp and stuff......
Posted by on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 23:31:00 GMT