Click on a band name to go to their profile. To check out some music from these bands, go to the bottom of the page to the media players.
Agent---- Anatomy of Soul---- A.N.E.A.L.---- Aquila---- Architect---- Arged Lamh---- Ashes You Leave---- Asylum---- Auspex
Backstabbing Bastard---- Bhelliom---- Biok---- Bioterror---- Blindfall---- Blood---- Blood Stain Child---- Brain Police---- Broken Lock
Calm---- Carnaval---- Cause For Alliance---- Cellout---- Censored---- Centicore---- Centinela---- Chain Reaction---- Chiraw---- CiLiCe---- Cipher System---- Come Sleep
---- Concrete---- Consecration---- Conteched---- Cripple Mr Onion---- Crize---- Cruentus---- Crushing Sun---- Cryogen---- Curse Icon
Dandelion---- Decontrolled---- Deform---- Demogorgon---- Descomunal---- Diablo Swing Orchestra---- Digamma---- Disassembled---- Disonic---- Divine Sin---- Downstroy---- Drat---- Dual-Coma---- Dub Rebellion---- Dylath-Leen---- Dynamo
8 Control---- 81db---- Edges of Seven---- E.N.D.---- Enochian Theory---- Ensoph---- Episode 13---- Eraso!---- E SEX T---- Euphoria
Fallen Fate---- Fallenintoashes---- Father---- f.e.v.e.r.---- Forced Evolution---- 4tune8
Gennie---- God Size Hate
Hacride---- Hollow---- Headplate---- Hearts Alive---- Heirs---- Hetera---- Hope---- Hyperion---- Hyrahm
Igut---- Impurita---- Indian Fall---- Indukti---- Infernoise---- Inordem---- Into The Woods---- Irreverence---- Izegrim
Jaganata---- Jaw
Kain---- Kalasia---- Killed a Fox---- Killin God---- Klone---- Koh---- Kokein---- Konter---- Kudai---- Ky-Lin
Laborforce---- Last Day Here---- Lazytod---- Lifelock---- Lingua---- Luna Obscura---- Lunatic Scale
Machine Insufficiency---- Madbrain---- Malfunction---- Man Machine Industry---- Mahavatar---- Mburns---- Mechanical God Creation---- Mephistosystem---- Meza Virs---- Midnight Peacocks---- Mind Overflow---- Minim---- MorphiuM---- The Motion---- Mothernight---- Mountain Mirrors---- Mudslinger---- The Mushroom Story---- Muted
Neter---- Neurotech---- Neurothing---- Never Ending Conflict---- New Way Home---- Nitrominds---- No Chance---- No Drama---- Noesis---- N.O.T.---- Nutcase
Odd Crew---- Of the Archaengel---- Ominous Grief---- Operation Downfall---- Overdown
Park Lane---- Perception of Intent---- Pesticide---- Pitch Black---- Power of Trinity---- Prod
Radius System---- Rain Delay---- Rememberences---- Requiem Laus---- Road To Repent (Formerly Scarecrow)---- Root
Samadhi---- Scartown---- Schizophrenia---- Scorngrain---- Scotoma---- The Sect---- Seeking For a Name---- Seek Irony---- Sepal---- Seraphim---- Siq---- Shadows Inc---- The Silence Industry---- Sixteen Sinners---- syk0De---- Skydancer---- Skypho---- Slot---- So Called Celeste---- Sonic Death Monkey---- Sorrowful Tears---- Soulgate---- Soulost---- Source of Ignition---- Spoiled Fiction---- Stentor---- Straw---- Stone River---- Subtract---- Subversion---- The Sun of Weakness---- Sybreed---- Synthetic Breed---- Syqem---- Syren
Taciturn---- Tainted---- Techny-call X---- Tenpel---- TesseracT---- Textures---- 3,14---- ToteM---- Toxic Toy---- Tracktor Bowling---- Tragim---- Trece Nombres---- Trials---- Trigger---- True---- Tyr
UDK---- Under Ossana Ghost---- Usud
Violent Work of Art---- Vita Imana
Waldheim---- Warattah---- Web---- We Come One---- Weyland---- Why She Kills---- Wicked Jones
Xerosun---- Xkrude
Your Shapeless Beauty
Twofrom8 TV
Twofrom8 Radio
All music and videos are sole property of the bands that I feature on this page. Only free downloadable and artist supplied music and videos are used. No downloads are available via the players. If you like what you hear, hit the artist up by going to their link in the list above the players. I am not here to give you music illegally. If you do so, you do it on your own. These bands work their asses off to try and make ends meet daily. Don't screw them by stealing their music. Take the time, hit the up as "friends", help them spread the word. They all could use your support!!!If you want free shit...go to the blog area and check out the download list for songs and albums that the artists on this page offer.
Coming soon....Morbid Miller's interviews with both signed and Unsigned bands. Stay tuned and if you want to be reviewed or interviewed by the man. Email him here
Untitled -Every day I drive by an old abandon factory and wonder what happened to the people that used to work there. I felt compelled that I had to do a piece that included the factory building.
American Dream (Nightmare) -About trying to find the "American Dream" and having it turn into a nightmare that you can't escape.
Temptation -Being tempted by greed, sex, or just the idea that there is always something a better. Yes, it was intended to look like an old tapestry.
Frustration -Being trapped by your current situation in life. Be it by where you live, mistakes made in life, your sex, ethnicity, government...soon. We all feel this way at times. Not having any way to make things better is the ultimate frustration.
View more pieces...MorbidMiller's
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Layout, animated banner, all artwork and design.
Still doing updates and new work on this page.
Work done:
Layout, animated banner, all artwork and design.
Similar design to Morbid Miller's page, redone with new graphics andsections.
Metal Connection
Work done:
Layout, animated banner, all artwork, logo design.
Doom MetalAlliance
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Header and background layout. All other work is done by DMA.
More layouts to come soon...
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