My intrests r mostly animals since i work with them all day and live with my little farm at home. Goin out with samz on the weekend is always somethin 2 look 4ward 2 shes kinda mad and gets pissed out of her mind u will normal find us either in Kingston eg Works, Mackluskies, Oceana and we normal always start the nite in the Tun (now the Loyds Bar. We use 2 go Po Na Na's in Wimbledon till they changed it 2 over 21's (GAYNESS). And if im not out with the little nutter then u will b able 2 find me in my local pub the Cavern in Raynes Park, best place 4 a nice drink and 2 have a laugh with ur m8s (Cavern Club Thur and Sun nites).
I'm not really the picky with my music i like all kinds.
Not really a big movie kinda girl get bored far 2 quickly.
the shopaholic series by sophie kinsella (i'm on the last 1... damn!)