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I don't need to meet anyone 'cause I've already met the best people, my friends are too awesome for words, and my boyfriend is pretty great too! I don't have my top friends on show 'cause it's like rating them, Basicly saying 'Ner Ner I prefer this friend than you' Fuck it, all my friends are important to me in thier own individual way! BTW I love seeing who prefers me though! xXx
LukeRichardValvona, he is beyond amazing, he’s not been in my life for long but already he means everything to me. We fell in love instantly and neither he nor I would have had it any other way. I love going out with him, ‘cause we always have a good time laughing at near enough everything. I love curling up on the sofa with him while we watch anything on the TV. Or lying in his bed watching a children’s film just ‘cause we love films like that. Luke I love you, my fiancee.
NadineHeatherCunniffe, this girl is beyond all belief, she’s truly a wonderful person and anyone who is in her life, is truly blessed. I love college days where we have a tea and natter ‘cause you let me get off my chest what I’m sometimes too scared to even think about. You have no idea how proud I am of you for getting into all your university choices, girly weekends are never too far apart. I love making random comments with you, ‘I’m like a holiday card! What tacky?!’ again no Nadine your tacky! Thank you for being my number one girl.
HayleyJayneKenward, my favourite person in the world. This is the girl that has kept me going since we were 2 years old, and I haven't regretted a single thing we've done, we've had our disagreements about silly stuff, but each time we've always pulled through 'cause we're honest to god best friends, forever. I've known her for 15 years, and I plan for those years to keep on coming. Babe come see me soon, ‘cause I miss you dearly.