Rainbow Brite is a lovable, creative little girl who uses the colors of the rainbow to color our world and our lives. Though she may be small, her good deeds and the magic she performs with her power belt more than make up for her size. Rainbow is carefree and fun-loving, but her work comes first. She might abandon a playful afternoon to save a sun-drenched wheat field from losing all its yellow or to save a rain-starved forest from losing all its green. She colors things by scattering the "Star-Sprinkles" which become magical only when sifted through Rainbow's very own fingers. Along with her horse, Starlite, and her helpers, The Color Kids, Rainbow Brite brings hope and happiness to all. ..
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Online Couture Apparel
Welcome friends here is a link to a ebay store where you could find me and all the color kids on couture style apparel.
&... Posted by on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 13:57:00 GMT