"Gospel Rock Minister:Gospel Revolutionary:"The Lioness Unleashed"!!!:SINGER/SONGWRITER-
SPEAKER/CONSULTANTPURPOSE-"To fulfill the Great Commission through preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to all"VISION-"To usher in a Spiritual Renaissance through the Reformation of traditional mindsets with a message of Repentance and Redemption"MISSION-"To rally and train radical, revolutionary Christian Spiritual Warriors to boldy challenge the systemic evil of every realm of society through re-establishing the principles found in God's Word as the Absolute Standard in all aspects of life therefore occupying and obtaining total domination in the earth to the Glory of God"CREED-"To declare and establish the Kingdom of God in the earth by tearing down traditional barriers and restoring the proper image of the Body of Christ"Mighty Warrior
"If you judge me by the flesh and not by the Spirit, you automatically disqualify yourself from receiving from the Anointing that is on my life."(Eugenia Edwards)The Prayer of Jabez-"And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,'Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested." (I Chronicles 4:10-NKJV)"...the daughter of a Lion is a lion...(Bonnie Chevda)
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