Vodka...No, really. That's it. Ok, so I also love being with my sexy b oyfriend, Tony. Love my crazy friends and especially when there are jello shots involved in the middle of the ocean. But then again shots involved in anything is always good.
Me in 20 years when I realize that my rediculously amazing daughter has developed into a happy, well rounded adult and turns to me and says, "Thank you for doing what you could." ....Then, me, again in 20 more years when she says, "what the hell is wrong with you, anyway?"
My favorite song of all time is Kiss of Life by SADE and favorite art ist is Stevie Wonder,although I have to say John Mayer has a special spot in my heart as well. But I love a lot of music..No Techno, can tolerate about 3 country songs, hate metal rock, am a sucker for old r&b, can sing every last word to any Fiona Apple song, still love Smashing Pumpkins, and one last shout out to John,Paul,Ringo and George. So that being said, Love,love me do..... :)
not gonna waste my time with this one. ok, maybe one mention of Wh at about Bob. and The Burbs. and Groundhog day. and I still laugh just as hard as the first time every time tbs plays Dumb and Dumber, which is like twice a day. Shawshank Redemption still makes me stop what i'm doing and watch, and has anyone seen The Family Stone? Cuz it's freakin good.
King of Queens! I love Doug Heffernin! How I met your mother, Heros, Jennifer Aniston is my secret girlfriend so Friends, Seinfeld, Family Guy and for some oldies but goodies: Threes Company, Cosby Show, Quantum Leap, Perfect Strangers, and probably my all time favorite, The Wonder Years.
My favorite author is Elizabeth Berg. Anything with her name on it is my favorite book. Although I have to say that Judy Blume's Just as Long as We're Together, changed life as I knew it at the age of 12! (Ha! If you know what I am talking about, then you are cool)
Good show :)