peaceXpiece profile picture


About Me

We proudly announce that Matt Pond PA is our headliner this year. You will also see groundbreaking performances by the space-psyche troupe Glint , recently featured in February’s Billboard Magazine, supernumblivemachine , containing the famous rockers Paul Kostabi and Tony Mann. We are pleased to have recently added Anti-Folker Don McCloskey and virtuosic solo acoustic guitarist Justin King to the bill.
Please visit the official peaceXpiece website for all festival details about our activities , the 1,000 piece art mural, and other breaking news.
• Five nationally touring music acts including Matt Pond PA, Glint, supernumblivemachine, Don McCloskey, and Justin King
• Keynote speeches from active environmentalists including:
Rockland County Councilman Michael Maturo and Legislator Connie Coker
Laura Flanders, Journalist/Author/Host of RadioNation
Donna Lieberman, Executive Director of New York Civil Liberties Union
Nicholas Moore Eisenberger, Managing Principal of GreenOrder
• Creating the largest green mural in the world, combining the artistic efforts of 1,000 strangers
• The only event in Central Park history completely powered by the sun!
• Hand-made tree seedling necklaces will be given out
• Takes place at the heart of New York’s Largest green space, Central Park, easily accessible by bike and foot
• Every eligible attendee can register to vote
• Free eco-friendly products, giveaways, and the peaceXpiece program with the top 25 activities for immediate green action
• The most influential single-day “Green Festival” in New York
peaceXpiece thanks all our partners like Rely Records, Paul Kostabi, Wholemato, Green Apple Festival, Peter Shapiro, GreenOrder, Central Park Conservancy, Sunshine Burgers, Porky Products, Kikkerland Design, Baer & McIntosh Real Estate, Mark Jacobs, K&M Newspaper, Simon Basner, Bert Dorfman, Vitamin Water, Pepsi, F.W. Shumacher Seeds, Utrecht Art Supply, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Peter Barbey, and UNISON Meetings for making this production the best it possibly can be.
More people are getting involved daily in this social attempt to educate the masses, so please, take a moment and think how your piece might fit in line with ours.
peaceXpiece 2008… live from the Central Park Bandshell
“creating global awareness through words, art and music”
Help spread the word - promote peaceXpiece!
Put the banner above on your MySpace Profile page by copying and pasting the code below into any of your profile sections:
Click here to download, print and share the official peaceXpiece live ’08 press release.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/12/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

Contact the appropriate party below...
Looking to lend a hand at our event?
[email protected]
Looking to show yourself in a "greener" light?
[email protected]
Looking to cover history in the making?
[email protected]
Looking to spend green-for-green?
[email protected]
Have an artist, music, or speaker suggestion?
[email protected]
Does your non-profit organization wanna "make a stand"?
[email protected]

Influences: Earth & Human Power.
Sounds Like: Change is on its way.
Record Label: Rely Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Videos posted from peaceXpiece 2008!

Check out the video section of our profile to see Gallery HD's video and the New York Artist Series video of peaceXpiece 2008. Thanks to everyone who made it a huge success!
Posted by on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 08:43:00 GMT

Visit our page on to guarantee your mural spot!

Simply RSVP to and you will have a guaranteed spot on the KOSTABI 1,000 PIECE ECO MURAL!
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:24:00 GMT

Final talent list and speakers on the website!

Visit for the complete list of activities this year!
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 13:20:00 GMT

Matt Pond PA added to the bill, partial lineup list here!

We proudly announce that Matt Pond PA ( will be one of our headliners this year. You will also see groundbreaking performances by the space-psyche troupe Glint (
Posted by on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 01:58:00 GMT